Swimmer Network is now LIVE!

Swimmer Network (Subnet)
4 min readMay 9, 2022


Dear Swimmers!

Have you got your swimwear ready? We are thrilled to announce that the Swimmer Network mainnet is now LIVE!

View Swimmer Explorer

Network Fees

Swimmer Network will launch with network fees of 10,000 gwei

  • 50% of Network fees will be burnt🔥
  • 40% of Network fees will go to Swimmer Validators👬
  • 10% of Network fees will go to Swimmer Ecosystem🏊‍♂️

Alpha Testing Applications have closed

Applications to Alpha Test for Crabada on Swimmer Testnet have been closed! So far, a total of ~15K Crabada have been airdropped to our playtesters! 🦀

Share valuable feedback of your Swimmer testnet experience with us:

Feedback for playtesting will be closed on 13 May, at 7:00 AM UTC.

Swimmer, A Living Network

Swimmer is a living Network that will go through several upgrades over time. We’ve been planning and refining how we want to manage all of the inevitable changes, at the same time embracing our core principles that focus on security and progressively pushing towards a more decentralized and permission-less ecosystem as the tech stack matures.

We’ve invested time and resources to prepare to deploy innovative features, and are now finalizing our methodology around forking and other processes to ensure these features can be deployed without destabilizing the network. Similarly we are also finalizing process around deploying expected security patches and technical updates.

We will be incrementally rolling out patches, as well as deploy new features, while improving on the initial process based on what we learn.

The Great Crabada Migration 🦀

The Crabada Idle-Game and marketplace will be migrating onto the Swimmer Network on 13 May! Crabadians can start bridging their assets from Avalanche C-Chain onto the Swimmer Network.

In preparation of The Great Crabada Migration, infrastructure support from our partners including Block Explorers & RPCs will be added over the next few days.

Supported Assets — ERC-20

  • Crabada ($CRA) — Required for breeding Crabada
  • Treasure Under Sea ($TUS) — Native marketplace currency/Reward token, required for breeding Crabada
  • Crabada Amulets ($CRAM) — Required for expanding teams/Crabada slots/Sub-account creation

Note: $CRAM can only be bridged one-way, from Avalanche C-Chain onto Swimmer Network. Once you bridge your $CRAM over to Swimmer Network, you will not be able to bridge it back over to C-Chain.

Supported Assets — ERC-721 (NFTs)

  • Crabada NFTs

Note: Crabada NFTs can only be bridged one-way, from Avalanche C-Chain onto Swimmer Network. Once you bridge your Crabada over to Swimmer Network, you will not be able to bridge it back over to C-Chain.

Additionally, players will not be able to bridge Eggs. Eggs will have to be hatched before they can be bridged over to Swimmer Network

Cessation of activities on Avalanche C-Chain

To facilitate in the migration of assets, players will be given a buffer period to bridge their assets from C-Chain to Swimmer Network.

Breeding Activity

On 13 May, at 7:00 AM UTC, all breeding activity on the C-Chain will cease. Breeding activities can only occur on Swimmer Network.

Adding New Teams

From 13 May, at 7:00 AM UTC, players will no longer be able to add team slots on the C-Chain. Players will only be able to add team/Crabada slots on Swimmer.


On 20 May, at 7:00 AM UTC, the Idle-Game will no longer be playable on C-Chain, afterwhich, the Idle-Game interface can only be used to disassemble teams, remove Crabada from Tavern rentals, and to withdraw Crabada from the Idle-Game to the marketplace inventory.

Crabada Marketplace

From 20 May, 7:00 AM UTC, the marketplace can only be used to morph eggs, delist crabs and cancel Swap offers.

Upcoming Swimmer Network Events

We have tons of exciting news, announcements and events coming up so hang tight, and keep up-to-date via our social channels*!

  • The Great Crabada Migration (Idle-Game and Marketplace) (13 May)
  • Battle Game Mode Launch (15 May)
  • Swimmer Network Ecosystem Grants
  • Triple $CRA Event

*Links to all official social channels can be found at the end of the article.

About Swimmer Network

Swimmer Network is a dedicated blockchain for gaming that leverages the existing infrastructure and security of the Avalanche Network.

We are bringing a fun, engaging, and frictionless experience for both game enthusiasts and game developers on the blockchain!

Website | Discord | Twitter | Documentation | Medium



Swimmer Network (Subnet)

Swimmer Network is a dedicated gaming blockchain that aims to bring a fun, engaging and frictionless experience for gamers, game developers & game enthusiasts!