Oh Sh-t! My Experience as a Woman…

Of What Many Men Are Experiencing In The Societal Push-Back — Staying In My Own Lane!

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Hey guys, I am getting your experience… in today’s dating environment. And I see you a little bit better! I’m seeing more clearly the position you’re in.

I don’t understand — even remotely — the acrimonious or shaming tones many people are readily using today when responding to anyone who is apparently “ignorant enough” to express a point of view that is opposing their own!

To my way of ‘being’, when someone’s beliefs don’t align with mine, it’s time to get curious, and ask questions. A fertile environment has just been presented for self-reflection, growth, and personal development. Particularly if I’ve been hooked hard enough that my irritation has risen to a level that I now need to de-escalate! …preferably before responding!

It most definitely does not give me the right to be rude or inflammatory about anyone’s expressed opinions, attitudes, viewpoints, or ideas.

Why ‘Staying In My Own Lane!’



Ask Lea - Dating Muse for Inspiration, Wisdom & 🩷

I provide singles with tools & resources for conscious competency in today’s dating environment, increasing skills, enhancing enjoyment, & optimizing results.