Meet Arnaud Burlet: SwissBorg’s New Senior Backend Software Engineer

Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2018

Meet the SwissBorg Team

Arnaud Burlet was born and raised near our headquarters of Lausanne, Switzerland to parents who were both pediatricians. When he was young, his parents decided to open their own practice in a low income and very diverse neighborhood. He learned from them the great lessons of hard work and community engagement.

As a young boy, he was interested in all things technical and loved computers. Programming by the age of ten he took to coding when his father showed him one line of code and bought him a book on the subject.

By the time he entered the prestigious Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Arnaud Burlet had developed a keen interest in internet security. Completing his masters in computer science at the EPFL, he became very interested in internet security. For his second project in his master’s program, Arnaud helped build a program to detect and track child pornography for a (canton) state’s police in Switzerland. He developed software that assisted the police during raids and the following investigations. Ferret, as the software is called, helped the police combat child pornography more efficiently.

At university, for his final project, which he continued to develop after graduation on his spare time, Arnaud worked in the energy sector where he worked on distributed embedded systems, measuring energy consumption to lower the energy bill with selective power cuts.

Early in his professional career, Arnaud Burlet co-founded an internet risk management startup. He helped several major Swiss banks prevent hijacking of information between an individual and his/her bank by demonstrating how e-banking systems were affected.

For three years he lived and worked in the US where he met his Taiwanese wife and decided to follow her to Taipei. In Taipei, he learned Mandarin and the joys of gaining a family from an entirely different culture while working remotely for a software technology company where he was responsible for development focused on the backend where he honed the skills that he uses at SwissBorg.

A glider pilot, rock climber, with ten years of fighting sports experience, Arnaud brings his expertise in internet security, distributed internet services, and Scala to SwissBorg, hoping to help break new ground in the world of the blockchain.

When asked what brought him to SwissBorg, Arnaud replies, “Meeting the tech team was very motivating for me, I realized that these are the kind of people with whom I want to collaborate. I liked the balance between business professionals and engineers at SwissBorg. I love the fact that we are a multidisciplinary team working together in a pioneering and exciting field.”



Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO

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