Tips of 2018 to Keep Summer Electricity Bills Low

Switch Tech Electric Ltd.
3 min readJun 25, 2018


Summers are the time of year when everyone turns on the air conditioner and seek shelter in the cool indoor corners to keep him away from the scorching heat outside. Unless you plan to get tan and have outdoor summer blasts and splashes, you will also find yourself lying in front of the air conditioner (AC) to stay in your mind. But, the peace of mind comes at a price. The cost is skyrocketing summer electricity bills that will leave you shocked sometimes.

Read More about theTips to Lower Summer Electricity Bills

However, keeping your summer bills low is possible with a little effort from you and your professional Electrical Contractor Surrey BC. Here are the golden, cost-effective, thousand-dollar tips to save on summer electricity bills.

1- Ideal Corner for Air Conditioner

The United States Department of Energy advises people to place air conditioners around the center of the room and on the shady side of the house. It will help air conditioner from overdoing the work.

2- Clean Indoor Unit

When summers are around or during summers, call your Electrical Contractor Surrey BC to clean indoor AC unit. Get air filters clean to have fresh air flowing properly and also get the Air Conditioner checked. The old or weary ACs use more energy and are less efficient.

3- Clear Out Outdoor Unit

The outdoor unit of the air conditioner is often neglected. It is outside and who cares what happens to it. But, if you want to save money, you should be extra careful. Any hindrance in the airflow of the outer unit can affect working and efficiency of the air conditioner. Clean the outdoor unit and trim any bushes or greenery around it.

4- Keep the Shade

The more heat that comes in the house from sun rays, the more time and energy to cool it down. Windows are usually a big heat convection channel. Cover your windows with thick curtains or covers during the heat hours.

5- Grow the Shades

There is so much outcry about the climate change that you do not need any other reason to grow plants and trees. But, the trees around your home can help reduce the heat gains and keep the temperature cool even outside. Growing plants also keep the walls in the shade lowering heat gains from thermal mass.

6- Insulation Works

Air Conditioners are a good way to cool down the indoor air. But if you want coolness to last longer, insulate your windows, your doors, walls, roofs, in short, your home. Insulation can be expensive with high upfront cost, but it saves hundreds of dollars per year on your electricity bills. You can reach break-even pretty soon.

7- Move the Thermostat

If you do not have a working thermostat for the air conditioner, ask your Electrical Contractor Surrey BC to install one before the summers, because moving the thermostat saves electricity. Do not set your thermostat at a fixed temperature, but move it from high to low or low to high as per the need.

8- Make Use of Non-Peak Hours

You know the peak hours’ electricity in San Francisco can cost significantly higher than the non-peak hours. So, a wise thing to do is to use electricity during non-peak hours. Cool your room or home during non-peak hours, so that you need slight cooling during the peak hours.

Happy money saving summers!



Switch Tech Electric Ltd.

Switch Tech Electrical is an Electrical Company serving Surrey and Surrounding Areas from Past Many Years in Surrey, BC, Canada.