Human Hair Curly Wigs: How To Keep Them Moisturized?

Moppo Hair
4 min readDec 7, 2022

Human hair wigs with curls quickly tangle. You can try to untangle them or wash them with shampoo, but these are only temporary fixes, and your wig will quickly return to its tangled state. Consequently, maintaining moisture in your curly wig is the most excellent remedy for this.

Real Human Hair Wigs that have been moisturized appear sleek, healthy and untangled. Your wig needs routine care just like your hair does. These hairs, however, do not receive any sebum or oils from your scalp, so over time, they frequently become frizzy and dried out. So how do you give them the necessary moisture?

Be at ease! The fundamentals of maintaining and moisturizing your curly hair wig are covered in this article. MoppoHair advises always purchasing premium curly hair wigs to avoid dealing with such issues.

Curly Wigs- How To Moisturize Them?

First and foremost, ensure your hair is adequately moisturized. You can apply moisturizer as a spray or cream (often written crème).

For human hair to remain healthy, three essential components are needed. These consist of lubricants, moisture, and proteins. Natural water is the best and purest kind of hydration, but it is impossible to wear wet hair all day. Additionally, water quickly dries out, giving the wig a dry texture and an abrasive appearance. There are two approaches you can take to solve this issue:

● Any water-based moisturizer can be used.

● A wig’s moisture should be sealed in.

Why Use A Water-based Moisturizer?

Make sure to verify the “first” ingredients before buying any moisturizer. Check the ingredient list to determine if water is listed as one of the initial ingredients. You may be confident that your lotion or moisturizer is water-based if it has.

Similarly, if oil is listed as the first ingredient in the product’s list, your moisturizer is oil-based. These moisturizers should ideally also contain humectants and emollients, which aid in attracting moisture from the air to the wig and softening it.

You must be asking why it’s essential to use a water-based moisturizer. Using a water-based moisturizer ensures that the human hair curly wig obtains and keeps the necessary moisture. Although oils can be applied to this hair at any time, you must know that they do not supply the wig with the necessary moisture level. These moisturizers with oil bases can be utilized to supply proteins and lubrication. Therefore, it is preferable if you,

● Use a moisturizer with a water base.

● Search for a moisturizer without any mineral oil.

● Choose any plant-based kinds of butter or oils ( natural)

Follow This Quick Moisturizing Tip Fix

Take a spray pump and fill it with 10% glycerine and 90% water to quickly and temporarily add moisture to this hair. Mist it all over your hair after spraying it. However, because the ends are the most damaged, be sure to spray there as well. Maintaining moisture in your real human hair curly wig has been thoroughly described.

How to Revive the Curly Hair Wig

1. Spray Water On These Hair

Place a spray bottle in the conditioner after filling it with water. Spray it on these strands after mixing it.

2. Detangle The Knots

A curly, tangled wig has a lot of tangles, after all. You’ll undoubtedly need a lot of patience and commitment to untangle it. Grab a bowl of water and a wide-tooth comb. With this, detangling the hair is simple.

Make careful to use a wide-tooth comb; otherwise, there could be a lot of breakages. Additionally, to avoid breaking the strands, detangling should always begin at the ends of the hair and work its way up. Fingers are the best detangler for curly hair or wigs, so use them to loosen any knots you find. Finding the ideal curly wig requires careful research, so do your homework and choose wisely.

3. Wash your Wig

Make sure not to be too rough when washing this hair or your wig. Wash it in lukewarm water while being gentle. Remember that you cannot do anything to the wig that you can do to your natural hair. It would be beneficial if you handled them with extra caution.

4. Air-dry the wig

Always let your wig air dry. One of the most crucial things to remember is that you should use as little heating and styling equipment as possible. The wig can be damaged by hot rollers, dryers, and curling irons, which can burn and frizz. If you let it air dry, you’re OK to go.

Should You Use Vaseline to Smooth Your Curly Wigs?

Most people smoothen their wig’s ends with petroleum jelly (Vaseline). Mineral oils or products containing mineral oils are advised against being used on wigs. You may always choose oils that can feed and smooth your wig at the same time if you see dry, rough, or frizzy ends on it.

Mineral oils typically cover the hair and rest on the cuticle. Without a doubt, it gives the hair a smooth and shining appearance, but it also prevents moisture from penetrating the hair shaft, and let’s face it, no one wants their hair to break.

Final Word

You may now bring the lifeless wigs back to life with proper care and maintenance because you know how little moisturizing your curly hair wig entails. Do not discard them because the hair has grown frizzy or dry.

Curly wigs don’t need much moisture or maintenance. But there are undoubtedly several steps that must be taken. Make sure you start by using the proper procedure and stages. To keep your curly wig in top condition for many years, take the precautions we’ve mentioned in this article.



Moppo Hair

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