2 min readAug 8, 2023


In the realm of dietary restrictions, gluten is a buzzword that has captured the attention of health-conscious individuals worldwide. But what about matzo crackers? Are they gluten-free? Let’s dive into this gluten mystery and uncover the truth behind these iconic unleavened treats.

Matzo crackers have deep roots in Jewish tradition, particularly during Passover when leavened products are prohibited. However, not all matzo crackers are gluten-free, contrary to popular belief. It is crucial to differentiate between traditional matzo, which contains gluten, and modern gluten-free alternatives.

Gluten-free matzo crackers have emerged to cater to individuals with gluten sensitivities and celiac disease. Made from alternative grains like rice, quinoa, or tapioca, these varieties aim to offer a safe and delicious option for Passover and year-round consumption.

One notable brand, Yehuda, has gained recognition for its gluten-free matzo crackers. Crafted with care and using only certified gluten-free ingredients, Yehuda’s offerings provide an authentic matzo experience without the gluten-induced worries.

For those seeking grain-free options, there are innovative matzo crackers crafted from nutrient-rich ingredients like cassava or almond flour. These alternatives not only meet gluten-free criteria but also cater to various dietary preferences, including paleo and low-carb diets.

While gluten-free matzo crackers offer a viable solution, it is essential to ensure proper certifications and labeling to guarantee gluten-free purity. Cross-contamination in production facilities can be a concern, making certified gluten-free options all the more reliable.

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