From Vision to Reality: My Self-Managed Construction Project — Crafting a Yoga Retreat and Meditation Center

Sujani Wathsala Singhabahu
12 min readAug 12, 2023


Project Overview

The construction project aimed to build a Yoga Retreat Centre/meditation Centre that offers a serene environment for yoga practitioners and meditation enthusiasts to find inner peace and relaxation. The project is located in a scenic location that is easily accessible, offering visitors a peaceful getaway from their daily routines. The main building is designed to make visitors feel at home and is planned to facilitate longer stays to help them successfully execute their plans. The building is designed with all necessary facilities and the interior and exterior views are intended to provide a healing experience.

Before commencing with the construction, a SWOT analysis was conducted to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the project. This helped us to refine our goals and objectives and ensure that the project was aligned with our vision.

Throughout the construction process, we worked closely with the project team to ensure that all aspects of the project were executed to the highest standards. This included selecting the best materials and equipment, adhering to strict safety protocols, and ensuring that the project was completed on time and within budget.

The result of our efforts was a beautiful and we are look forward to continuing its success.

SWOT Analysis for the Project


  • The project benefits from a growing demand for yoga and meditation retreats, and we have identified a niche market that we can cater to.
  • As a yoga and mindfulness enthusiast, I was able to bring my industry experience in project management, safety, logistics, and supply chain management to the project, along with a deep understanding of the basic concepts of yoga retreats.
  • My personal skills in project management and relationship-building helped to ensure the project was executed smoothly and efficiently


  • Our project faced challenges related to funding and financial sustainability, which required careful planning and management to ensure that the project remained viable in the long term.
  • We also encountered potential issues related to obtaining permits and approvals from local authorities, which required careful navigation to ensure that the project was in compliance with all relevant regulations and requirements.


  • The growing popularity of yoga and meditation retreats presents an opportunity to expand the Centre’s offerings and attract a wider audience.
  • Sri Lanka’s booming tourism industry and the Centre’s location near popular attractions such as the Pinnawala elephant orphanage, the Colombo-Kandy road, and the MASS garment industry offer opportunities to attract more visitors and expand the Centre’s reach.
  • The Centre’s location near a family-owned rubber plantation offers additional opportunities for outdoor activities and experiences for guests.
  • International Airport just 60 km from Colombo and 45 km from the Colombo International Airport, makes it easily accessible to visitors.


  • The competitive landscape is always a potential threat, with other yoga and meditation centres vying for a share of the market.
  • Fluctuating weather conditions in the area can impact the Centre’s operations and activities.
  • Additionally, economic fluctuations or changes in regulations could impact our ability to operate the Centre profitably.
  • Health and safety concerns, such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, pose a threat to the Centre’s operations and require careful planning and management to ensure the safety of guests and staff.


  • To create a sustainable, eco-friendly retreat center that provides a unique experience for visitors.
  • To offer a serene and tranquil environment for yoga and meditation practitioners to relax and rejuvenate.
  • To establish a reputable brand name for high-quality yoga and meditation services in the region.
  • To ensure that the project is completed within the allocated budget and on time

Through the construction process, we successfully achieved our objectives of creating a sustainable, eco-friendly yoga retreat center that provides a unique and fulfilling experience to guests. The center is known for its tranquil environment, high-quality yoga and meditation services, and commitment to sustainable practices. We are proud to have completed 80% of the project within budget and on schedule, while ensuring all necessary features and amenities were included to provide a memorable experience for our guests.

Scope of the Project

  • The construction of the yoga retreat center encompassed the following activities:
  • Planning and designing of the main building and accommodation facilities, with an emphasis on creating a peaceful environment that harmonizes with the natural surroundings.
  • Selection of sustainable and eco-friendly building materials and construction methods to minimize the center’s environmental footprint.
  • Construction of the main building and accommodation facilities, incorporating all necessary amenities and features to ensure guest comfort.
  • Creation of outdoor spaces, such as walking paths, meditation gardens, and yoga decks, to enrich the guest experience and promote a connection with nature.
  • Establishment of a program of yoga and meditation classes and other outdoor activities, conducted by experienced instructors, to provide guests with a unique and fulfilling experience.
  • Implementation of a comprehensive waste management and recycling program to minimize waste and promote environmental sustainability.
  • The construction project was completed within the estimated timeline and budget, with a total cost of $2 million.
  • The resulting yoga retreat center offers guests a peaceful and rejuvenating experience, enabling them to connect with themselves and the natural environment.

Project timeline

Even though I had planned to complete this project within 12 months, it was delayed due to several constraints such as:

  • Covid lockdowns: We had to face several lockdowns which significantly impacted our ability to complete the tasks within the given time frame.
  • Unexpected large boulders found on the land, which took some time to clear and prepare the land for construction.
  • Unpredictable weather conditions, which caused delays in construction work.
  • Difficulty in sourcing materials locally, resulting in extra time and effort to find suitable materials.

Currently, 80% of the project has been completed, and we are working on installing a fence, planting spices in the garden, installing solar panels, creating a natural well to access water, building a natural swimming pool, and constructing a small service building.

As we have relocated to the UK, we are slowly getting back to the project and planning the remaining tasks in line with our project objectives. We were fortunate to relocate to Bristol, which has beautiful landscaping and many mindfulness ideas, as well as being a great location to study yoga and connect with yoga enthusiasts.

Budget and Financials

We initially planned to invest 20 million Sri Lankan rupees, but due to unexpected challenges, we incurred additional costs. As a result, we were only able to complete 80% of the project within this budget. We are now planning to allocate additional funds to finish the remaining 20%.

Design and Planning Process

Location: The first challenge was to select a suitable location for the yoga retreat. Unlike other projects, when constructing a yoga retreat, special factors such as the direction of the sunrise, the placement of shelters and spaces, wind direction, and ensuring a calm and low-distracting place must be considered. Additionally, there are specific meditation and yoga poses that require certain directions, especially east and northeast.

Planning: This was one of the significant criteria I considered when planning the yoga retreat. Before meeting with the designer, I drafted the building, interior, plumbing, electrical, and landscaping plans with required security measures. Then, I sought ideas from industry experts to establish my plans. Finally, I met with a draftsman and structural engineer to turn my plans into a reality.

I always keep my plans simple and aim to create a healing place. Therefore, my interior and exterior designs are always intended to blend with the lovely surroundings. Additionally, I have added more verandas to the building.

I also consulted with astrological architectural designers, geotechnical engineers, and geological scientists to ensure that I considered all the necessary factors while planning the building. Additionally, I considered the ease of accessibility and made sure that the place was safe and secure for everybody by using a fence and 24-hour CCTV monitoring.

Furthermore, I planned to use eco-friendly, durable, and mind-relaxing materials to construct this project.

Quality Assurance

Throughout my experience, I divided quality assurance in to two factors. One is human factor and other one is physical material factors.

1. Quality of Materials

I have been always done some research on available materials in the market and its quality and sustainability

And also, I always give priority to select the most suitable and sustainable material through a thorough data analysis and I always collect data from experience people, industry experts, and searching and researching in the internet. Hence I always checked and ensure the quality of each and every material we used even supporting machineries and equipment. It always helped us to complete the task efficiently as well as effectively. And I never forgot to do frequent physical inspections to ensure the quality of the work.

2. Quality of People

This is the most powerful and difficult thing when compared to quality checking. Hence it is much needed to closely observe and research about the workers before assigning them to task, hence I always we to sites and looked there works before assign the work. And also it much important to evaluate their behavioral patterns, understanding capability, timely working, cleaning, effective use of materials alone with the experience they have.

Supply Chain Management/ Logistics/ Inventory Management

Supply chain management was the most crucial aspect I focused on during the construction project. Establishing strong relationships with suppliers, transporters, and site workers allowed me to effectively and efficiently manage the supply chain with minimal inventory. However, the pandemic disrupted the process significantly, requiring careful risk analysis specific to the construction supply chain. I had to forecast material demands and manage inventory without disrupting the construction process.

The pandemic and economic crisis caused several negative impacts on the market, leading to shortages of cement and iron, significantly affecting Sri Lanka’s construction industry. Additionally, fuel shortages disrupted logistical arrangements and machinery usage. Moreover, adverse weather conditions further complicated matters in the area.

Conducting comprehensive risk evaluations and analyses compelled me to maintain a considerable inventory to ensure the project’s continuity in an efficient and effective manner. This approach proved vital in mitigating costs related to price fluctuations and transportation.

By fostering close relationships with all stakeholders in the supply chain, I successfully navigated challenges and kept the supply chain running smoothly

Construction process

The construction process of the yoga retreat involved using sustainable and high-quality materials to construct the project. I always ensured to use eco-friendly materials to strengthen my concept further.

Health and Safety on the Site

I always analysed the hazards on the site and mitigate them as much as possible without harming anyone’s life, including people and animals. I keep a high-quality first aid box on the site to use in case of an emergency. I maintain a close relationship with a doctor to seek medical advice when necessary. I always use high-quality equipment, machinery, and vehicles, and I check its before bringing them onto the site. I ensure that there are no loose nuts and bolts, corrosion, or excessive noise or fumes coming out from the machines and vehicles. I use healthy and eco-friendly materials to construct the building.

People Management

Dealing with various types of personnel with different backgrounds was the hardest part of the project. I had to manage industry professionals, regulators, police, lawyers, businessmen, villagers, material suppliers, traders, contractors, health sector personnel, workers with and without experience. However, I am happy with my skills in managing the stakeholders connected to the project, and this is purely because of the selection criteria I used. I take time to select the most appropriate personnel for the task, not only based on the quality of work they deliver but also by analysing their behaviour, work ethics, capacity to handle the task, experience, responding methods, and use of equipment. This gave me an advantage in managing the project effectively and efficiently. I always select a person who specializes in the task, which makes the project function smoothly.

Sustainability Features

Throughout the project, I always used eco-friendly and healthy materials for the construction. My next plan is to install solar panels, as this location receives more than 8 hours of sunlight, and the roof has been designed accordingly.

I used sustainable and high-quality materials, and I always researched and analysed each and every material and step that I used. A maintenance schedule has already been planned and assigned, and I have monitored and taken necessary actions as and when required.

Technology and Tools

Even though there are thousands of traditional and new methods available, I didn’t jump to conclusions instantly. Instead, I closely analysed each method to select the most appropriate one. When it comes to tools, I always use the most suitable tool or method to ensure quality, time efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, I never forget to use Google, as it has helped me immensely. I have conducted thousands of searches to find materials and their specifications, as well as the most appropriate methods for performing certain tasks. Secondly, I use Microsoft Excel as my primary tool for record-keeping, analysis, and evaluation of quality, prices, quantities, and project steps.


  • Natural constraints: There was a big rock formation in the land which made it difficult to carry out the project. Additionally, severe weather conditions also posed as constraints.
  • Quality control issues: Sometimes, I had to face low-quality output from workers and materials. As a result, I had to reject the materials and workers. In one instance, I even had to take legal action against some contractors who breached the contract and provided low-quality work.
  • Economic instability: The country experienced financial instability, resulting in high prices.
  • Health issues: The deadly coronavirus spread all over the world and had a severe impact on the project.
  • Changes in government policies: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis, the government implemented new policies such as restrictions on construction works, movement restrictions between cities, and import bans.
  • People management: Managing people with diverse backgrounds can be challenging. However, building close relationships and motivating them can help to improve the quality of output.


This was my first construction project, and I am extremely happy with the successful management, even though we only completed 80% of the project. I am planning to restart the project soon and am excited about the progress I have made despite facing various constraints. Currently, I am happily sharing my experience with those who are interested, and many people are seeking guidance from me for their own projects.

Open-mindedness to advice: I don’t always reject personal advice. Instead, I further research and seek instructions from various types of people. I have a strong capability to analyse suggestions, and I am pleased that I have been successful in doing so.

The location: This is a beautiful place with a great natural surrounding.

Job creation: The Centre will create both direct and indirect job opportunities for villagers and outsiders. I have already permanently assigned two people to overlook and clean the site. The main goal is to develop the Centre as a yoga and meditation Centre that will highly benefit people in healing their minds.

Lessons learned

In life, we can’t predict everything, and even if we plan for every threat and weakness, we still have to face unexpected challenges. This was the first experience of its kind that I have encountered in my life, which was due to the COVID-19 situation. The country was completely locked down, traveling between cities was prohibited, and there was a shortage of goods in the market. Sri Lanka suffered a severe economic downturn, and the construction field suffered a severe collapse due to the decrease in foreign tourists. Despite these challenges, I was fortunate enough to complete at least 80% of the project, even though it took longer than expected.

  • Material shortages: There was a severe shortage of construction materials, but I was able to establish a strong bond with material suppliers and purchase quality products that were suitable for the project.
  • Accommodating workers: I had to incur extra costs to ensure the workers’ food, health, and safety, as well as provide suitable accommodations for them on-site.
  • Inventory management: Although I planned for a minimum inventory for the project, I had to maintain a considerable inventory that was suitable for the project, which was very helpful in continuing the project.
  • Facing challenges: I had to face very bad weather conditions, and the location was not accessible for 10-wheelers. However, I took advice not only from industry experts but also from experienced personnel in the field, regardless of their position. This helped me face the challenges effectively.
  • Project continuity: Through this experience, I realized that project continuity is highly dependent on inventory management and people management. Once you have a good team, it’s important to manage them well to ensure the success of the project.


As an entrepreneur and a project manager for construction work, I am really proud of myself for the progress made. Below are the steps I have taken throughout the process:

  • Draft the building plan yourself before giving it to the architect or draftsman. This way, you can get the outcome you planned and wished for.
  • Do extensive research and analysis on the construction project before starting the work.
  • Manage each and every task on a daily basis.
  • Always keep evidence for financial transactions and unsatisfactory construction work, such as video recordings.
  • Assure workers’ health and safety. Use high-quality, construction-supportive equipment that is good for both people and the environment.
  • Manage the budget: this is a critical point as extra costs may be incurred due to unforeseen circumstances such as Covid, weather, and market unavailability.
  • If you have any doubts about any materials, seek expert advice from industry experts, experienced workers, and companies. Analyse factors such as price, quality, ease of purchase, and time to buy.
  • Conduct inspections and use others as dummies to perform inspections.
  • Do not take shortcuts.
  • Do not argue with laborers; use your brain to handle any situation intelligently, and if difficult, seek help from the police.
  • Keep close relationships with stakeholders but be mindful and smart when dealing with each.
  • By following these suggestions, you can increase the chances of successfully completing your construction project while minimizing any unexpected challenges.



Sujani Wathsala Singhabahu

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