Ethereum Beacon New Approach to Ethereum…

4 min readSep 4, 2019


|EthereumBeacon |EBEA |blockchain |cryptocurrency |crypto |ethereum|bitcoin |cryptonoff

In modern times, one of the main issues for developers of blockchain technology is the scalability problem. If you take, for example, is known to the Ethereum blockchain, today it is extremely slow and inefficient.

The transition to a more scalable version of Ethereum is constantly delayed. The Ethereum project Beacon, based on its latest innovative developments, creates a new cryptocurrency project which fully capable to provide the scalability, security and decentralization of the Ethereum blockchain .

Company Ethereum Beacon is capable of producing a smooth seamless transition from technology Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake. Although, as you know, Proof-of-Stake does not fully scale, but it creates the necessary infrastructure for the implementation of innovative solutions and applications which will help increase the speed of processing transactions up to 1,000 transactions per second or even higher.

The Ethereum project Beacon completely solve the problem with bandwidth Ethereum without compromising the security of the system. This is an advanced scalable blockchain which will be presented the most advanced solutions including a segmented Protocol consensus PoS and improved virtual machine Assembly Beacon.

Bandwidth Ethereum will rise to a whole new level, Will be introduced a revolutionary system for transaction verification.

The so-called Central chain chain PoS of the keys will be responsible for maintaining and updating the register of validators.

To become a validator, you must make certain the collateral which in turn will minimize the risks of incorrect failure.

Itself the key chain will also handle its own block consensus and cross-reference evidence validators.

This advanced combination of internal and cross segment consensus of independent validation, creates fast, efficient and safe networking environment that can easily scale to combine the applications of all types. How validators will receive an effective return on your investment, and the transition to PoS will allow you to solve the problem of energy waste and to achieve a real decentralization which will be free from dependence on mining farms.

(“Here are the main stages of the project Ethereum Beacon”)
1 Phase Alpha? The transition to a new PoS system/validation. At this stage, will transition to a hybrid model of consensus where some time there will be proof of work and proof of stake. When will the launch of the mainnet and distribution of tokens EBEA, will create a completely new blockchain which will be called Key chain. Despite the fact that he still does not include the segmentation, but it will help users to adapt to the new consensus model.

2 Phase Beta? Implementation of basic segmentation. In the second stage, the initial implementation of the whole system of segmentation will be integrated with key chain. You will use the principle of segmentation of a database and thus different parts of the state of Ethereum Beacon will be stored in different nodes

3 Phase Gamma? The combination with the EVM / EWASM. At this stage Ethereum Beacon will complete the migration to the new network key chains. Therefore, the segmentation will be implemented in full, including confirmation of transactions and account balances of individual segments.

4 Phase Delta? Asynchronous cross-segmentation, exponential segmentation and other options. At this stage, will be completed migrating most of the applications from the old virtual machine on the Assembly Ethereum Beacon. With the help of new virtual machine will be developed a variety of new applications, and this in turn will allow you to move do to the unique features of the renovated Ethereum.

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