XL Axiata Future Leaders Batch 10: An Odyssey of Transformation and Excellence

Syafa Fadhilah Tegar Andalas
4 min readNov 2, 2023
XLFL Batch 10 — Yogyakarta 2 Cohort

Two years ago, I embarked on a remarkable journey with XL Axiata Future Leaders Batch 10, a journey that would profoundly shape my perspective on leadership, personal growth, and professional development. As I reflect upon these transformative years, I am compelled to share my experiences with a community that values self-discovery, excellence, and continuous improvement. This is a story of how XLFL became the crucible of my personal and professional growth, encapsulating invaluable lessons in leadership, confidence, and holistic problem-solving.

Surrounded by Inspirational Figures

My Pecha Kucha Team

One of the most striking aspects of my XLFL journey was being constantly surrounded by extraordinary individuals who served as catalysts for my personal development. Our Facilitator, Deedee, stands out as an exemplary figure. Her unwavering commitment to pushing us beyond our comfort zones was both challenging and invigorating. Deedee’s relentless motivation was like a guiding star that propelled us to explore new horizons and redefine our limitations.

Moreover, the camaraderie of my XLFL peers was a wellspring of inspiration. Each one of them was a high achiever in their own right, and their unyielding pursuit of excellence left an indelible mark on my journey. The stories of their accomplishments motivated me to set higher standards for myself, igniting a fire within to aspire to reach their level of proficiency. Through their encouragement and resilience, I learned that true leaders don’t compete; they uplift and inspire each other.

Boosting Confidence and Presentation Skills

My First Ted Talk with XLFL

XLFL’s emphasis on quick thinking and instant presentation of our ideas was a catalyst for my personal growth. In this environment, the phrase “coba aja dulu” (just give it a try) became my mantra. This mindset freed me from the shackles of self-doubt and the fear of judgment. The knowledge that my XLFL peers and Deedee supported me, regardless of the outcome, encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and express my thoughts with confidence.

The relentless cycle of discussions and presentations not only polished my communication skills but also instilled a profound belief in the power of my voice. I learned that presenting ideas, even imperfect ones, is a potent tool for driving change and innovation. This transformative experience enabled me to embrace the unknown and adapt to dynamic situations confidently.

Holistic Problem-Solving

Group Discussion

XLFL’s emphasis on the “helicopter view” of problem-solving was a pivotal concept that has left an enduring impact on my approach to challenges. The program taught me to step back and view situations from a holistic perspective, identifying hidden opportunities and gaps that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. This skill has proven invaluable in my professional life, enabling me to approach complex issues with a comprehensive understanding and develop creative solutions.

In retrospect, my journey with XL Axiata Future Leaders Batch 10 has been nothing short of a remarkable transformation. It has instilled in me the courage to embrace challenges, the belief in my own abilities, and the wisdom to view problems from a broader perspective. I owe this profound growth to the exceptional people and experiences I encountered during these two years.

As I move forward in my career, I carry with me the indomitable spirit of Deedee, the unwavering commitment to excellence of my peers, and the invaluable “coba aja dulu” mindset. XLFL has equipped me not only with the skills required to excel in the corporate world but also with the mindset of a leader who is willing to push boundaries and make a positive impact.

My journey with XL Axiata Future Leaders Batch 10 is a testament to the fact that, with the right environment and mindset, anyone can achieve remarkable personal and professional growth. I look forward to continuing my journey, applying the lessons learned, and making a difference in the world of leadership and beyond.



Syafa Fadhilah Tegar Andalas

Statistics Undergraduate Student | Business Intelligence & Data Enthusiast