Company Vision, Company Mission, & Company Vision VS Product Vision: PM Case Study

Rahmi Syahputri
4 min readDec 28, 2022


Photo by Dipesh Shrestha on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This is an individual assignment to complete a Full Stack Product Management program at RevoU batch July 2022. I am working on this project as a PM and the result is based on my personal analysis which might be different from others.


Hi there👋, I am Amik, a Product Management enthusiast. Currently, I am working as a Product Manager Associate at RevoU. Back in July to Oct 2022, I took a Full Stack Product Management (FSPM) boot camp at RevoU and I got plenty of assignments🤯, where I would be happy to share my knowledge and experiences about Product Management here. So, let’s enjoy the ride, shall we?😎


In this assignment, I need to select 3 companies (Indonesian-based-non-unicorn tech-based companies). Then research their company vision, mission, products, and one of their product visions. Lastly, describe the differences between product vision & company vision for each company.

Role: PM

Scope: Company vision, company mission, company products, product vision, and research.

Timeline: 1 week

Tools: Canva

The Process

Company 1: Flip

Flip Logo. Image from LinkedIn Flip

About Company

Flip is a pioneer in providing free bank transfer services that have been licensed by Bank Indonesia.

Company Products

  • Money transfer
  • E-wallet
  • Digital product
  • Flip globe
  • Flip for business

Company Vision

To be the most customer-centric service company in the world and enable users to make fair financial transactions from anywhere to anyone.

Company Mission

Providing the best service and maximum comfort at a cost that is fair to everyone.

Products Vision: Flip Globe

Providing international transfer services that are safer, cheaper, faster, and more affordable.

Company Vision vs Product Vision

Flip states their vision to be the most customer-centric service company in the world and enable users to make fair financial transactions from anywhere to anyone. Flip Globe is one of the Flip products that have a vision that fits in with the company's vision. Flip Globe helps customers in making international money transfer transactions that are safer, cheaper, faster, and more affordable. The key point is in line with Flip’s values and vision, namely fairness. The international scale reached by Flip Globe elaborates on one of the points of Flip’s vision, namely transactions from anywhere. Flip emphasizes that its corporate vision spans Flip Globe’s vision of becoming the world’s most customer-centric company.

Company 2: Rukita

Rukita Logo. Image from LinkedIn Rukita

About Company

Rukita is a coliving housing with comprehensive facilities and services, in the form of coliving kost and apartments.

Company Products

  • Kost Coliving
  • Apartment

Company Vision

A platform for providing modern coliving kost and apartments that feel like home.

Company Mission

Guaranteed to live with housemates who have the same frequency, access to complete facilities, and a more economical cost of living.

Products Vision: Kost Coliving

Upgrading an ordinary-kost-life with a modern design, complete facilities, strategic location, and warm-friendly community.

Company Vision vs Product Vision

Rukita wants to create a coliving residence in Indonesia that feels as comfortable as home. Kost Coliving helps companies to create a residence that is as comfortable as a home by offering a modern design, complete facilities, a strategic location, and a warm and friendly community. Kost Coliving’s vision match Rukita’s vision, where a coliving residential environment with various interesting features will make residents feel that they are living in their own home. Kost Coliving’s vision fit and aligned with Rukita’s vision.

Company 3: Gudang Ada

GudangAda Logo. Image from LinkedIn GudangAda

About Company

GudangAda is an online wholesaler buying and selling place that provides many conveniences for wholesalers and retailers to develop their businesses, on one hand.

Company Products

  • Wholesale marketplace
  • Delivery
  • Storage
  • GudangAda solusi

Company Vision

Building the largest B2B e-commerce platform infrastructure in Indonesia.

Company Mission

Empowering B2B industry players (producers, wholesalers, and retailers) through technology to make transactions faster, cheaper, smarter and bigger.

Products Vision: Wholesale Marketplace

A place to buy and sell wholesale goods at the best prices, more complete product selection, and sent directly to your store.

Company Vision vs Product Vision

GudangAda wants to build the largest B2B e-commerce platform infrastructure in Indonesia. Therefore, the wholesale marketplace is present as one of the products that will support the success of this vision. The wholesale marketplace provides a place for buying and selling wholesale goods between producers and traders to make transactions faster, cheaper, smarter, and bigger, so that it can help Gudang Ada achieve their vision. The vision of the wholesale marketplace is more specific but still aligned with GudangAda’s vision.

You can check out the full deck here

This assignment helps me to familiarize myself with how to define & structure the product vision & strategy as a Product Manager. This also gives me an understanding of the difference between company vision and product vision, where:

company vision helps guide your company and product vision helps guide your product.

You can leave your valuable feedback to improve or you can just say hi or connect with me on my LinkedIn 🙌



Rahmi Syahputri

A product enthusiast who still learn and relearn about the product itself! Lets learn together, shall we?