A Week Before Stroke,Your Body Will Warn You With These 10 Signals

Syailendra Elkhalif
2 min readJun 14, 2020


I lost already one person due to a stroke, and considering that only in the US one person dies of stroke every 4 minutes, by the time I will finish writing this post unfortunately several more people will have died. The reason why I decided to write this post is to help other people recognize the early symptoms of strokes and giving them a chance to call for help in a timely manner. Even a few minutes can greatly increase the chances of survival, so if you know somebody with high risk for a stroke please read carefully.

A stroke occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is suddenly cut off. The brain cells get deprived of oxygen and begin to die quickly. Having a stroke is a scary thought, but you can be mindful of your health to reduce the chances of having one.

Stroke signs often occur hours — or even days — before the actual attack. Read on to learn about the symptoms that could signal you’re about to have a stroke.

Arm weakness

Weakness in one arm — specifically, the inability to raise both arms at once — is especially common among those who suffer from a stroke. Victims often experience temporary paralysis on one side of the body. It’s important to seek help as soon as possible; if enough brain cells die, you could suffer permanent paralysis.


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