How Do You Hold Hands? The Way You Hold Hands Reveals a Lot about Your Relationship!

Syailendra Elkhalif
1 min readApr 29, 2018


Holding hands with your partner is a very intimate action in relationships. There are many ways to determine where a relationship stands, and one of the ways is by observing the couple’s body language. Holding hands reveal a lot about the quality of the relationship and how a person feels about their partner. Check out some of the common hand holds and their meanings below!

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1. The interlocked fingers hold

This is one of the most common ways a couple holds hands. Those couples interlock their fingers are said to be very close and intimate. Both on a physical and emotional level. They are more than just comfortable with each other. This hold also means that the couple cares for each other deeply and is comfortable about opening up their feelings and being vulnerable.

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