5.5 Implementing Transactions and a Basic Consensus Algorithm

Sho Shimoda
3 min readDec 11, 2023


Part of “Mastering Blockchain Technology with C#: From Concepts to Implementation

In Section 5.5, “Implementing Transactions and a Basic Consensus Algorithm,” we delve into the practical aspects of handling transactions within our Blockchain and establishing a basic consensus mechanism. This section is crucial for understanding how Blockchain manages data (in this case, transactions) and maintains agreement across the network.

Adding Transactions

Firstly, let’s define a transaction. A transaction in a Blockchain context could be a transfer of value, like a cryptocurrency, or any other data exchange. Here, we will consider a simple transaction model.

public class Transaction
public string FromAddress { get; set; }
public string ToAddress { get; set; }
public int Amount { get; set; }

Now, we need to modify our Block class to hold a list of transactions instead of a single data string.

public class Block
// ... existing properties ...
public IList<Transaction> Transactions { get; private set; }
public Block(int index, string previousHash)
// ... initialization ...
Transactions = new List<Transaction>();
// ... existing methods ...

Each block will now contain multiple transactions. The CalculateHash method should also be updated to include transaction data in the hash calculation.

Implementing a Basic Consensus Algorithm

A consensus algorithm is essential for maintaining the integrity and agreement of the Blockchain across all nodes. One of the simplest forms of consensus is Proof of Work (not efficient but easy to understand and implement). Let’s implement a basic Proof of Work by introducing a difficulty level and a mining process.

public class Block
// ... existing properties ...
public int Nonce { get; private set; } = 0;

public string CalculateHash()
using (SHA256 sha256 = SHA256.Create())
string rawData = $"{Index}{TimeStamp}{PreviousHash}{Nonce}{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Transactions)}";
byte[] bytes = sha256.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rawData));
return BitConverter.ToString(bytes).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

public void MineBlock(int difficulty)
string leadingZeros = new String('0', difficulty);
while (this.Hash == null || this.Hash.Substring(0, difficulty) != leadingZeros)
this.Hash = CalculateHash();

In this implementation, MineBlock method keeps recalculating the hash until it finds one that starts with a certain number of zero characters. The number of zeros (the difficulty) makes the mining process computationally expensive and time-consuming.

Adding Blocks with Transactions

When adding a new block to the chain, you should now include mining:

public void AddBlock(Block newBlock, int difficulty)
newBlock.PreviousHash = GetLatestBlock().Hash;

By the end of this section, you will have implemented a basic transaction system in your Blockchain and understood how a simple consensus algorithm like Proof of Work operates. This fundamental knowledge is crucial for grasping more complex and efficient consensus mechanisms used in real-world Blockchains.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll explore further advancements in Blockchain technology, including more sophisticated consensus algorithms and enhancing the security and efficiency of our Blockchain

Next: 5.6 Testing and Troubleshooting. Part of “Mastering Blockchain…



Sho Shimoda

CEO/CTO of {RECEIPT}ROLLER. We offer easy digital receipt solutions for all POS and e-commerce, eliminating paper waste.