Handy WhatsApp Link — Let people message you easily with just a click.

syan zen
Jun 18, 2024



Generate WhatsApp links easily with this tool: WhatsApp Link Generator

WhatsApp links are a convenient way to start a chat with someone without needing to save their number first. These links can be shared in emails, websites, or social media, making it easy for others to contact you directly with a single click.

To break it down, the base URL is: https://wa.me/

And it takes two parameters:

  • phone (required)
  • text (optional)

To initiate a WhatsApp message via URL, use: https://wa.me/[NUM]
Where [NUM] is the target phone number with the country code, without the plus (+) sign or spaces.


You can prefill a message by appending &text followed by your message: https://wa.me/[NUM]?text=[MSG]

https://wa.me/1234567890?text=Hello there!

Check out this tool: WhatsApp Link Generator

