Bring Your Own Cup Slurpee Day

Syd Wong
2 min readMar 27, 2017


March should be the beginning to nice weather because it includes the first day of spring, but being here in Vancouver it’s always raining. 7–11 had their annual Bring Your Own Cup (BYOC) day where Slurpee fans can bring any container, any size and fill it up for $1.50. It was held for two days, March 24–25, 2017.

People bring things from a regular cup, to pails, to cereal containers. I went on Saturday with my family and we got four containers full of Slurpees. Always loving the flavors, I got the typical Pepsi. The 7–11 I went to was really organized, clean and quite festive. They had big letter balloons and everything. People walked in all excited to fill up their extraordinary containers. Everyone was going full into the spirit.

Via Instagram

They were pretty chill about what containers you brought, which was awesome. Of course it was delicious and satisfied my year round cravings. I kind of wish every day of the year was BYOC day because it is an amazing deal. the downside to that would be 7–11 wouldn’t make any money, we would all get obsessed and have diabetes, (ex. Wall-E). 7–11 was really smart to create this annual celebration because it hypes up their sales, people have fun with it and it spread a lot of awareness to their famous product, Slurpees.

