Syed Faiz Bukhari
3 min readJun 5, 2022


Since our last blog a lot has changed. As you all remember our project was on CANTEEN LITTERING and location, we chose was University of Karachi. We had made a lot of progress. we had talked with the students, teachers, canteen management and now only disposal management was left. We were to start our campaign but due to the Terrorist Suicide Bombing that took place in university of Karachi everything changed and all our work went into trash. All canteens within university were closed and we could not continue our mega project.

That was a time of true horror for us as we didn’t know what to do now. We soon started on our new mega project and after days of thinking and many group meetings we finally decide that our new mega project will be



We knew it was a big problem in Pakistan as most almost all of our circle members and most of our friend had faced this problem. We did some research on this topic and figured out that due to lack of career counseling of young student many students lose their natural skill by working in the field they didn’t like and were forced to Pursue.

Some of the problem we faced were,

· We didn’t get any success talking with the parents.

· Many students didn’t want to talk about their career.

· Many schools didn’t allow us to do a session as we had no past experience and were a bunch of students

· When talking with parents of different students they didn’t want to talk about other careers than Engineering, MBA or MBBs2


Through our questionnaire we were able to reach hundreds of students and our assumptions were true and most of the students were not happy with their fields because they didn’t get any career guidance and council in early ages. Some of our results are given below


Since the selection of our new project, we have work day and night to make progress in it.

· We have taken interviews of students who were victim of lack of career counseling and had to pursue a field which were not in accordance with their skills

· We also sent a questionnaire among our fellow taking their knowledge among this issue and to get to know the view of as many students as we can.

· We have also arranged for a session on career counseling in “Brilliant Grammar School” in Karachi on Tuesday,7 June 2022

· We are in contact with other schools and hopefully will get a chance to do sessions in them also.

Presented by:

Group 7

Group members:

• Syed Faiz Bukhari

• Sayed Moeen

• Dhanesh Bhatya

• Abdullah

• Rameen Mobeen

• Alishba

• Tayyiba