Learn Spring boot with Practical Examples(2023)- Hands-On Learning! — Let’s Begin

Syed Habib Ullah
3 min readJul 30, 2023


As a software developer, I understand the value of practical experience when learning a new technology. Most of the developers know a lot of things about a specific technology. But sometimes, they don’t have practical experience of using that technology so they struggle when they have to apply that knowledge in the real world. That’s why I’ve decided to create this series to help you gain practical experience by working on concrete projects.

Each article in this series will focus on a specific topic and guide you through the practical example to help you better understand Spring boot. My focus is to provide my readers a good grip on these topics. So please follow along for hands-on learning experience and provide your suggestions, and support to help me create more useful content.

What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is like a superhero in the world of Java-based application development! It builds upon the popular Spring framework and makes life so much easier for developers. You know how creating apps can be quite a journey, with lots of configurations to deal with? Well, Spring Boot comes to the rescue! With Spring Boot, developers can focus on writing code rather than spending time on boilerplate configuration, thus accelerating the development process.

Why Learn Spring Boot?

Before we dive into the practical examples, you might be wondering why learning Spring Boot is essential for your development journey. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Rapid Development: Spring Boot’s auto-configuration and starter dependencies enable developers to quickly set up projects and focus on writing business logic.
  2. Microservices: Spring Boot is an excellent choice for building microservices due to its lightweight and modular architecture.
  3. Community Support: With a vast and active community, you’ll have access to a wealth of resources, tutorials, and solutions to your questions.
  4. Career Opportunities: Many companies are adopting Spring Boot, and having this skill on your resume can open up new job opportunities.

Throughout this series, we will dive into a variety of Spring Boot topics, ranging from the basics to more advanced concepts. The practical examples will be carefully curated to ensure that you can follow along easily, even if you are new to Spring Boot. Here’s a glimpse of topics that we will try to cover with practical examples:

Apart from providing a complete step by step tutorial, I will compile a list of frequently asked questions related to that Spring Boot topic that often come up in interviews. This will help to provide a more concise and informative overview of the these topics.


As we embark on this Spring Boot series, I encourage all of you to stick together. Your engagement and enthusiasm play a crucial role in keeping the momentum going. Let’s learn and grow together as a community, and make this series a valuable resource for everyone interested in Spring Boot development. Your active participation will be greatly appreciated and will inspire me to create even more valuable content in the future.



Syed Habib Ullah

💻 Software developer. I write informative articles on web development and helpful guidance for interviews 🤝 to aid aspiring developers in their careers.