Master These 4 Advanced Multithreading Concepts to Ace Your Next Technical Interview

Syed Habib Ullah
5 min readJul 25, 2023


Multithreading is a powerful technique that can be used to improve the performance and scalability of applications. However, it can also be complex and challenging to get right. If you are a Java developer who is preparing for a job interview, you need to make sure you have a solid understanding of advanced multithreading concepts.

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Warning: “Entering the Multithreading Wonderland — Where Threads Have Tea Parties and Deadlocks Are Absolutely Forbidden!”

In this article, I will try to cover some of the most commonly used multithreading concepts. I will provide you with examples to help you better understand these topics so that you will be able to easily explain them in your next technical interview, and also understand when these techniques and concepts can be useful for developers to improve their application performance.

1. Concurrency control:

Concurrency control is a set of techniques used to ensure that multiple threads can access shared resources safely and correctly. This is important because if multiple threads are accessing the same resource at the same time, there is a risk of data corruption or other problems.

One common example of concurrency control is using locks. A lock is a mechanism that prevents two or more threads from accessing a resource at the same time. When a thread acquires a lock, it is the only thread that can access the resource until it releases the lock.

Another common example of concurrency control is using semaphores. A semaphore is a counter that is used to control access to a resource. When a thread acquires a semaphore, it decrements the counter. When the counter reaches zero, no other threads can acquire the semaphore until one of the threads that already has the semaphore releases it.

2. Thread Pools and Executors:

Imagine you have a group of workers in a big company, and they have a lot of tasks to complete every day. Some tasks are simple, while others are more complex and require more time and effort.

Now, instead of hiring new workers for each task that comes up, the company decides to create a team of skilled workers who are always ready to take on new tasks. This team is called a “Thread Pool.” The workers in the thread pool are like computer threads, which are small units of work that can be done simultaneously.

The company also appoints a manager to oversee the thread pool. This manager is like an “Executor.” The executor’s job is to assign tasks to the workers in the thread pool and make sure they are working efficiently.

Here how it works: Whenever a new task comes in, the executor checks if there’s a worker available in the thread pool. If there is, the task is given to that worker, and they start working on it immediately. If all the workers are busy with other tasks, the new task waits in a queue until a worker becomes available.

The beauty of this approach is that the company doesn’t need to spend time and resources hiring and training new workers for every task. The thread pool ensures that the company’s resources are used efficiently, and tasks are completed as quickly as possible.

Additionally, since the workers in the thread pool are already skilled and ready to go, there’s no need to keep hiring and firing workers all the time. The same workers can handle multiple tasks one after the other, making the whole process much more organized and streamlined.

3. Futures and Promises

Futures and Promises are tools used in programming to handle tasks that take time to complete. They allow us to work on tasks concurrently without waiting for immediate results.

Just like when you have a friend working on a project, they promise to give you the results later, so you can proceed with your work without stalling. In programming, a Promise acts as a placeholder for the future result of a task, and when the task is done, it delivers the result as a Future. This helps developers write efficient and responsive code, as they can continue with other tasks and retrieve results when ready. It’s like avoiding waiting for your friend to finish their project before you can work on yours!

4.Concurrent Data Structures

Concurrent Data Structures are specialized data structures used in multithreaded programming to allow multiple threads to access and modify the data concurrently, without causing conflicts or data corruption.

Imagine you have a group of friends who all want to read and write in the same notebook simultaneously. To avoid chaos and ensure everyone’s input is correctly recorded, you use a “Concurrent Notebook.” It’s designed to handle multiple people writing and reading at the same time, preventing any mistakes or lost information.

In programming, Concurrent Data Structures work similarly. They are designed to handle data access from multiple threads simultaneously without causing errors or inconsistencies. Regular data structures like lists, maps, and queues are not safe for concurrent access, as they may lead to race conditions or other synchronization issues.

Concurrent Data Structures use techniques like locks, atomic operations, and clever algorithms to ensure that multiple threads can safely read and write data without interfering with each other. This makes them suitable for applications where many threads need to access shared data concurrently, like in web servers or parallel processing tasks.

In this article, we have explored some of the most commonly used multithreading concepts to empower you in your technical interviews and enhance application performance. Understanding concurrency control, thread pools and executors, futures and promises, and concurrent data structures is crucial for building efficient and scalable multithreaded applications.

By implementing concurrency control techniques like locks and semaphores, developers can ensure safe and correct access to shared resources, preventing data corruption and synchronization issues.

Thread pools and executors offer an organized and efficient approach to task execution, enabling the reuse of skilled threads and optimizing resource utilization.

Futures and promises provide developers with the power of asynchronous programming, allowing them to work on tasks concurrently without waiting for immediate results, enhancing responsiveness and efficiency.

Concurrent data structures play a pivotal role in managing shared data in multithreaded environments, using advanced techniques to enable safe concurrent access without compromising data integrity.

By mastering these multithreading concepts and employing them judiciously, developers can build robust and high-performing applications, meeting the demands of modern concurrent computing. Embrace these techniques and elevate your coding expertise to new heights!

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Syed Habib Ullah

💻 Software developer. I write informative articles on web development and helpful guidance for interviews 🤝 to aid aspiring developers in their careers.