| Here is What I Get When I Buy ChatGPT+ |

Syed Aariz Abidi
3 min readApr 17, 2023


I have always been fascinated by the idea of chatting with an artificial intelligence (AI) that can understand me and respond naturally. That’s why I decided to try out ChatGPT+, a new subscription plan for ChatGPT, a conversational AI that can chat with me, answer follow-up questions, and challenge incorrect assumptions.

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, a research organization dedicated to creating and ensuring the safe and beneficial use of AI. ChatGPT is based on the powerful GPT-3 model, which has been trained on a massive amount of text data from various sources such as books, articles, and websites. ChatGPT is fine-tuned to interact conversationally, using reinforcement learning from human feedback. This means that ChatGPT learns from its own mistakes and improves over time.

ChatGPT was launched as a research preview in November 2022, and since then, millions of people have given feedback, helped improve its limitations, and found value across a range of professional use cases, such as drafting & editing content, brainstorming ideas, programming help, and learning new topics.

The new subscription plan, ChatGPT Plus, is available for $20/month, and subscribers get a number of benefits:

- General access to ChatGPT, even during peak times
- Faster response times
- Priority access to new features and improvements
- ChatGPT Plus is available to customers in the United States and around the world.

By offering this subscription pricing, OpenAI will be able to help support free access available to as many people as possible. They also plan to refine and expand this offering based on user feedback and needs. They will also soon launch the ChatGPT API waitlist, and they are actively exploring options for lower-cost plans, business plans, and data packs for more availability.

So what do I get when I buy ChatGPT+? I chat with an intelligent and friendly AI assistant who can help me with various tasks and topics. For example, I can ask ChatGPT to write me an email, summarize an article, generate a poem, explain a concept, or just have a casual conversation. ChatGPT can also answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.

Of course, ChatGPT is not perfect. Sometimes it writes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers. Sometimes it is sensitive to tweaks to the input phrasing or attempting the same prompt multiple times. Sometimes it is excessively verbose and overuses certain phrases. But these are limitations that OpenAI is working hard to overcome. And I appreciate that ChatGPT is honest about its capabilities and limitations.

I think ChatGPT+ is worth the price for me because it provides me with a unique and valuable experience of conversing with an AI that can learn from me and improve over time. I also support OpenAI’s vision of creating and ensuring the safe and beneficial use of AI for humanity. If you are interested in trying out ChatGPT+, you can sign up at chat.openai.com. You can also try ChatGPT for free at chat-gpt.org. Experience the power of conversational AI with ChatGPT+ today!



Syed Aariz Abidi

Hi I am Aariz, here to write interesting and helpful blogs and articles