How to Use OpenAI Gpt3 for Free?

Syed Asim Bacha
Nov 28, 2022


openai is an api which provide you 18 credit for free. It’s very easy to use, just follow these steps:

1) Register an account with openai.

2) After logging in, click on “Settings” from the top menu bar.

3) In the settings section, click on “General” tab and set your email address as well as your password.

4) Under “Account Information”, check the box next to “I want to receive email updates about this application”.

5) Click on “Create Account” button below to go back to the main page of openai and click on “Get Started”. You will be redirected to a page where you can see all features of this service. There are three options available: News, Articles and Credits. Click on Articles option if you want to get paid for writing blog posts using openai credits.

