Can you travel to the 4th dimension?

Eesa Md Syed
5 min readJul 3, 2020


Here’s what everything you need know….

Human kind have been in existence from at least 5 million years ago, and unlike every other organism, we humans began depending on our intellectual skills, which has solved many obstructions and this has led to a drastic change in superiority of our kind from the rest of them.

Photo by Valentin B. Kremer on Unsplash

We didn’t stop there; we started thinking about the nature surrounding us, the cycles of life & death i.e. generations and our purpose of existence (people might be so bored back then without the internet) which has led to the uncomfortable truth. So we created our own purpose of existence and a whole sort of superiority shit, as the earth was flat and it is the center of our universe (so far known universe) and the only universe, blah blah blah and where did we end up now? Earth is round and it’s not the center of our universe (not even our galaxy) and lately defining laws of science as if we exist in the only universe of 3 Dimensional (don’t you think this too is a superiority thing?; clearly).

Regardless the Question is If x,y,z are the three perpendicular axes with each other representing 3 dimensions then, where does this axis of 4th dimension which is perpendicular (to every other axis) lie on?

Example Mario world is 2D

Let us take the example which helps us to visualize the higher dimension by considering ‘Flatlanders’ who live in 2 Dimensional world (blessing each other happy for rest of the life like us but with 2 D organs), so they can only see lines in their world, and by remembering the rest of the object which falls behind the lines to make complete picture of the object, just like we cant see the other 3 faces of a cube at once.

According to Flatlanders there is no higher dimension than theirs, cause everything is fine and usual to them, and there’s no comprehension of 3rd direction as their world has no room for the 3rd dimension (so that’s a black rob ‘whoa’ moment);

Likely, as we live in a 3 dimensional world there’s no room for the 4th dimension to exist, it doesn’t mean there is no 4th dimension (don’t act like a flatlander)

Visualizing the 4th dimension!

When 3 dimensional (3D) object intersect with 2D, it imprints 2D layer of the the 3D object, like a shoe print on the surface (without depths) so the flatlander can see only the outline of the sole of a shoe and all this happens until the object is present on the surface, the very next moment when shoe is lifted from the surface, the 2D imprint disappears (like a magic for flatlanders, with a question marks on their face).

Similarly when 4th dimensional objects intersect the 3D world, it imprints the 3D layer of the 4D object in the 3D world. Yeah! it is seen 3D even though it is of 4D, so we can not see the 4th dimensional object in this world, but it’s no big deal for us as we can imagine it by mathematics which is the only subject which can exist in any dimension, by adding new variables we can change it to higher dimension (taking ‘w’ as the 4th dimension direction)

Considering our 3D world as a Reality plane with w=0

Just like a 3D Object changes the surface area of the imprint layer on 2D world by passing through, a 4D Object changes the volume of its 3D imprint in 3D world.

Left: 4D object passing through 3D reality plane ( consisting x,y,z axis); Right: how we see it in 3D world

The 4D object above is named as a Hyper-sphere with the mentioned equation, so the hyper-sphere forms a sphere in 3D world.

Hyper-cone passing through 3D reality plane

Similarly when a Hyper-cone passes through the 3D world it forms Sphere, Ellipsoid, Paraboloid, Hyperboloid.


What is it like to travel in the 4th dimension? what do you see?

Well, when you have traveled to the fourth dimension, unfortunately you would still perceive it as a 3D world (yes, you read it right), as we are made of 3 dimensions remember that? so it’s just gonna be another world with 3 dimensions for us, but with a different environment and might be a contrasting law of science who knows what sort of Big-bang has occurred over there.

Photo by Guillermo Ferla on Unsplash

Can you imagine that the big bang might have actually occurred due to the 4 dimensional body has passed into our reality plane?

Yet, for the person who is watching you travel to another dimension, will notice that you have disappeared into thin air (unlike shrinking parts of your body, it’s just like vanishing).

Photo by Miriam Espacio on Unsplash

So were the invading stories of aliens true? Scientists should really start being concerned with this idea.



Eesa Md Syed

Active • Bookish ; Hey there, this blog is "words to my mind", and my expression with my deep thoughts of different genres, your support means a lot to my work