Is time a 4th Dimension?

Eesa Md Syed
4 min readJul 2, 2020


What’s a Dimension?

Dimension is an aspect, which defines the structure of element with respect to the element of reference taken into account or in other words used to determine the position of element. This can also determine the structure of space or the path present in between the bodies.

Zeroth dimension:

representation of zero dimension

Like a whole number, Dimension starts with ‘0’ which is a Dot or point, where its motion is restricted to higher dimension (default reference for higher dimension).

1st dimension:

representation of 1 Dimension and its shadow

When these dots pile up one on top of other (linear fashion) forms a line it becomes 1st dimension, this dimension casts 0 D shadow (i.e. Dot remember it has depth only in one direction, cause it has depth in one direction and motion is restricted with one direction i.e only Forward or backward

2nd dimension:

representation of 2 Dimensional figure and its shadow

In a similar way when lines get added up side by side in a direction it becomes a plane which is an example of 2 dimensional figure, so the extra direction which is added to the line to be a plane becomes the 2nd dimension. Motion of elements in a plane is restricted with only 2 directions and the plane casts lines as shadows.

3rd dimension:

representation of 3 Dimensional figure and its shadow

Similarly when planes are added with direction which is perpendicular to every other previous directions then it becomes a 3 dimensional figure, so the direction added will be the 3rd dimension, with casting plane as a shadow. Bodies of 3 dimensions are restricted to its higher dimension so allowing motion only in 3 spatial dimensions. Our Universe is made of 3 dimensions.

So Can Time be considered as a 4th dimension?

No, Time can not be considered as a 4th dimension even though it defines the position of elements but calling it as a dimension is wrong as it’s not a spatial dimension and exist in all dimension, Consider a world made of 2 D where 2 dimensional organisms live (flat lander) as an example and guess? what time exists there as well, so does it makes 2 D world a 3 D world,No right. Time keeps the identity of an element preserved, by not differentiating the element from other instant of period e.g. when in motion of element A and B, when they swap their position what makes element A be identified as an A is time.

Time is a flow and is not fixed, we sync our clocks with “9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyper fine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom” huh…. that’s a lot to take in right, let’s break down this complex way of calculating of time now by considering theory of relativity which states that speed of light does not vary with time or place and is treated as a constant which is 186,000 miles per second (300 million meters per second) in cosmic vacuum, If we take the time taken by the light to travel 186,000 miles is one sec then how does the speed varies when light travels near black hole (gigantic celestial body swallowing masses and light) it obviously decreases right.

Remember the movie Interstellar’s epic scene as to how cooper spent his 3 hours 17 min on miller planet which orbits Gargantua (massive glowing black hole) and finds out 23 years have passed on earth. So time can not be considered as a spatial dimension.

So what is the fourth dimension then? Does it really exist?

To be continued…



Eesa Md Syed

Active • Bookish ; Hey there, this blog is "words to my mind", and my expression with my deep thoughts of different genres, your support means a lot to my work