A brief comparison of the 12 most popular ORMs

Syed Ibraheem Zeeshan
5 min readFeb 7, 2023


Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a technique that helps developers interact with databases by providing a convenient, object-oriented interface.

Object-relational mapper visualization

In recent years, several ORMs have become popular among developers, each offering its own set of features and benefits. Here’s a brief comparison of some of the most popular ORMs and their pros and cons.

Django ORM

Django ORM is a part of the Django web framework and is widely used to build web applications. It provides a high-level, easy-to-use API for interacting with databases and supports a variety of databases including PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.

One of the biggest advantages of Django ORM is its built-in support for transactions, making it easy to manage complex database operations. However, the high-level nature of the API can make it less flexible compared to other ORMs.

Find more about Django ORM at: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.1/topics/db/queries/


SQLAlchemy is a popular, open-source ORM for Python. It provides a low-level, flexible API for working with databases, allowing developers to write custom queries and perform advanced database operations.

SQLAlchemy also supports a wide range of databases and offers robust support for transactions. However, it can be more difficult to use compared to other ORMs, as it requires a deeper understanding of database concepts.

Discover more information about SQLAlchemy at: https://www.sqlalchemy.org/


Hibernate is a well-known Object-Relational Mapping framework for Java, commonly utilized in the development of enterprise-level applications. It offers a user-friendly API for database interaction at a high level, making it easy for developers new to databases.

Hibernate offers comprehensive support for transactions and compatibility with various databases. However, it can be slow compared to other ORMs and requires a lot of memory, making it less suitable for resource-constrained environments.

Uncover further details about Hibernate at:

Active Record

Active Record is a widely adopted Object-Relational Mapping framework for Ruby on Rails, utilized in the construction of web applications. With its user-friendly API for database interaction, even those new to databases can easily utilize it.

Active Record also offers compatibility with multiple databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. One of the biggest advantages of Active Record is its built-in support for database migrations, making it easy to manage changes to the database schema.

However, it can be less flexible compared to other ORMs, as it relies heavily on conventions and automatic behaviors.

Learn more about Active Record at:


TypeORM is a popular Object-Relational Mapping framework for TypeScript and JavaScript, utilized in the development of serverless applications.

It features a user-friendly API for database interaction and supports a variety of Database Management Systems. Additionally, TypeORM provides strong transaction management and built-in support for database migrations. However, “It may have fewer customization options as it heavily relies on established conventions and automated behaviors, compared to other ORMs.”

Gain further knowledge about Type ORM at:


Sequelize is a highly utilized Object-Relational Mapping framework for Node.js and JavaScript, frequently used in the development of serverless applications.

It provides a convenient, high-level API for working with databases and supports a range of databases including PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. Additionally, Sequelize offers robust transaction support and built-in migration support. Despite its many strengths, it may be less flexible than other ORMs.

Explore more about Sequelize at:


Eloquent is an ORM for PHP and is part of the Laravel web framework.

One of the biggest advantages of Eloquent is its support for advanced database relationships, making it easy to manage complex data structures. However, its reliance on established conventions and automated behaviors may limit its flexibility compared to other ORMs.

Expand your understanding of Eloquent at:


Doctrine is an ORM for PHP and is widely used for building web applications. It provides an easy-to-use API for working with databases and supports all the major databases including MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server.

Doctrine provides strong transaction support and has built-in support for database migrations.

Become familiar with additional aspects of Doctrine at:

JPA (Java Persistence API)

JPA (Java Persistence API) is a well-known standard for Object-Relational Mapping in Java and is frequently used in the development of enterprise applications.

It offers a high-level API for interacting with databases and is compatible with a range of databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. JPA also has strong transaction support and built-in migration support. Despite these advantages, its dependence on conventions and automatic behaviors may restrict its versatility compared to other ORMs.

Acquire further insight into JPA (Java Persistence API) at:


MyBatis is an ORM for Java and is widely used for building enterprise applications. It provides a low-level, flexible API for working with databases, allowing developers to write custom queries and perform advanced database operations.

MyBatis also supports a wide range of databases and offers robust support for transactions. However, it can be more difficult to use compared to other ORMs, as it requires a deeper understanding of database concepts.

Enhance your familiarity with MyBatis at:


In conclusion, each of the popular ORMs has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, making it important for developers to choose the right one for their needs. While some ORMs provide a high-level, easy-to-use API, others offer a low-level, flexible API, allowing developers to perform advanced database operations. Ultimately, the choice of ORM will depend on the project’s specific needs and the developers’ preferences.

Grow your knowledge about ORMs at:

