2 min readMar 12, 2024

What is the Pareto Principle for Courage?

We’ve all heard of the Pareto Principle and witnessed its effects. It suggests that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts. But have you ever considered applying this principle to the fundamental value of courage?

Courage: Beyond Fear:
Courage is not the absence of fear; rather, it is the ability to overcome it. Using a smart shortcut, we can tweak this definition to suit us better. Just like climbing a tall oak tree seems daunting to everyone, we can strategically place a ladder in a sweet spot that allows us to reach the top with ease and speed.

Reframing Fear as Courage:
Courage and fear run parallel to each other. Similarly, anxiety and excitement are like twins. We can experience anxiety about something, or we can choose to label that feeling as excitement. The same emotions are triggered, but our response changes from negative to positive due to the assigned label. Similarly, calling ‘fear’ by the name ‘courage’ is a hack known to only a few. Visualize it as Courage.

Taking Action: Identifying Safe Pursuits:
Is it courageous to save a baby from a burning building? Absolutely! Firefighters risk their lives and get the job done. Similarly, 20% of courageous acts we engage in should come from what WE identify as safe pursuits. By deciding ‘what’ is safe, we empower ourselves.

Overcoming Fear: Rationalizing and Acting:
Once we’ve identified a courageous action, such as greeting a stranger, we can rationalize our fear by recognizing that the environment is safe. This process allows us to proceed with the action despite our fears.

Control the Environment and Process:
In any aspect of life, whether it’s relationships or work, we can control certain aspects of the environment and the process required to take action.

Building Courage: Strengthening Willpower:
Willpower is like a muscle; it becomes stronger through use. Similarly, consistently engaging in courageous actions, no matter how small, for good reasons, strengthens us. It adds to our strength profile or strength stamina.

By following the principles outlined here, you’ll witness remarkable changes in a short amount of time. Courage is undoubtedly a key ingredient for success, and we all aspire to have more of it. So, step by step, brick by brick, we can build courage from the ground up, constructing a towering wall of courage.

“Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others.” — Winston Churchill


Finding light, this self labelled esoteric scientist dances between creativity and chaos, harnessing imagination for self-preservation & endless possibilities