Syed Farhan Ahmad Sohaib
4 min readJul 31, 2023

In the enchanting setting of a winter resort, Hank finds himself drawn to a mysterious girl he skated with alone at midnight. Haunted by their encounter, he seeks her amidst the snow-covered landscapes, feeling an inexplicable connection between her and the winter world. The call of the snow and the girl entice him to venture into the mountains, where he experiences an otherworldly encounter with her. He is bewitched by her icy touch and alluring voice, losing himself in a dangerous communion with the wintry elements. Time seems to lose its meaning as he becomes lost in a snow-induced trance. However, just as it seems that he is on the verge of surrendering to an eternal slumber, the distant sound of chanting and a flickering light guide him back to reality. Miraculously, he is saved from his reckless ski descent by the village cure carrying the Holy Host. Hank awakens in his bed, and although the villagers recount the tale of his daring ski ride, he notices a peculiar detail in the photographs — a single track on the slopes, leaving him to question the reality of his extraordinary experience with the elusive girl of the snow.

In the winter resort, Hank realizes that his late-night skating with a mysterious girl was unwise due to the potential for gossip. He becomes obsessed with finding her again, feeling an inexplicable connection between her and the snow-covered landscapes. He searches for her but can’t find her among the resort’s guests. However, he believes they will meet again and feels a strange anticipation about their next encounter.

The winter resort is buzzing with excitement due to the newly fallen snow. Hank’s mind is consumed by thoughts of the girl and the snow, intertwining their allure. He is inspired to write but decides to join the festivities and ski instead. The memory of the girl lingers, and he feels a peculiar longing for her presence. The anticipation of their next meeting grows stronger.

As the excitement of the snow intensifies, Hank becomes more drawn to the girl and the mountains. He feels an irresistible urge to be in her presence, sensing a powerful connection between her and the wintry elements. Ignoring the warnings and presentiments, Hank follows the girl higher into the snowy mountains, where he experiences an otherworldly encounter. She exerts a mysterious hold on him, tempting him to surrender to her icy touch and the allure of the snow.

Hank’s fascination with the girl and the snow leads him to embark on a reckless ski descent. He becomes lost in a trance-like state, almost succumbing to the intoxicating power of the winter world. Just as he teeters on the brink of eternal slumber, the distant sound of chanting and a flickering light guide him back to reality. He is saved from the dangerous descent by the village cure carrying the Holy Host. Hank awakens in his bed, questioning the reality of his extraordinary experience and the enigmatic girl of the snow. The villagers recount his daring ski ride, but the mystery of the encounter remains.

Hank becomes known in the mountain village for his daring ski adventure, but he is haunted by the memory of the girl in the snow. He tries to make sense of his experience and the strange connection he felt with her and the wintry landscape. The memory of her icy touch and the allure of the snow continue to affect him deeply, and he can’t shake off the feeling that she is still calling to him. The villagers share stories of witches and snow-beings that steal the souls of men, but Hank remains fixated on the enigmatic girl he encountered.

The winter season passes, but the memory of the girl in the snow doesn’t fade from Hank’s mind. He returns to his usual life, but a part of him is forever changed by the encounter. He contemplates the power of the snow and its hold on him, as well as the inexplicable connection he felt with the girl. Hank tries to reconcile the rational and supernatural aspects of his experience, but the mystery remains unresolved.

Hank’s life returns to normal, and he resumes his work and routines. He tries to put the encounter with the girl in the snow behind him, but the memory continues to linger. He wonders if it was all a vivid dream or a manifestation of his imagination. Yet, deep down, he knows that the experience was real and profound. The winter season ends, but the memory of the snow and the girl stays with him, forever changing his perspective on life and nature.

Hank’s encounter with the girl in the snow leaves a lasting impact on his soul. The connection he felt with her, and the winter landscape becomes a part of him, shaping his outlook and feelings. The memory of her haunts him, and he is forever drawn to the beauty and allure of snow-covered mountains. Hank’s experience remains a mysterious and profound event in his life, leaving him with a sense of wonder and reverence for the natural world and its enigmatic wonders.