JavaScript Array Methods (forEach, map, some, find, filter & more)

4 min readJun 27, 2020


in this article will see about JavaScript methods:

1- forEach(): This loop is going to run same times as the element we have in the array

example- lets say that you have an array of 4 different elements , forEach is going to run 4 different times.

its a good method to display each array or iterate to across different elements in for loop.

lets have variable : const cars = [

make: ‘BMW’,
carmodel: ‘Serie 3’,
year: 2012,
price: 30000
make: ‘Audi’,
carmodel: ‘A4’,
year: 2018,
price: 40000
make: ‘Ford’,
carmodel: ‘Mustang’,
year: 2015,
price: 20000
make: ‘Audi’,
carmodel: ‘A6’,
year: 2010,
price: 35000


it is going t be like this

cars.forEach() than inside we can another function it is callback , will pass car there, use console.log(car);

it will be like this:

cars.forEach((car) => cosole.log(car)) ;

(this is arrow function in short)

2- map(): the syntax for map and forEach are same , only difference is that map is going to create to new array

lets create a new variable result and do map() array to it

let result = => {

return car;



3- filter(): It filters the array by the values given by user.

lets create variable result and do filter() method to it.

let result = cars.filter(car => {

return car.price > 30000;



this will return all cars greater than 30000

4- find(): This will return the first element that match the condition.

from filter() method example lets do find() method to it.

let result = cars.find(car => {

return car.price > 30000;



so car with price 40000 will return first.

5- reduce(): This is going to execute output the result in a single value.

lets find out how much money will get after selling all cars.

reduce() will take 2 different arguments into functions first one is accumulator variable which hold values, which will increase lets call it total, second one is current object which is car,

let result = cars.reduce((total, car) => total + car.price, 0 );


0 is because number start from 0.

so total of all cars is 125000.

6- some(): This function is going to return true or false if a condition is met.

if you have a list of products and want to check if product exists we can use some and this will retrieve true or false only.


let result = cars.some(car => car.make === ‘BMW’);


result is true as BMW exist.

let result = cars.some(car => car.make === ‘FERRARI’);


result is false as FERRARI doesn’t exist.

thank you for reading, will be waiting for feedback.

stay tuned.

