5 reasons to use TMT bars while constructing your ideal residence — Mega Turbo TMT

3 min readFeb 15, 2023


The proverb “A firm foundation is the base of everything” is applicable in the case of a well-founded home. Thus, choosing TMT bars is a crucial step if you want to build your perfect home that exudes sturdiness and solidity.The foundation of any establishment requires that one put their all into it. And there remains no better choice than the Mega Turbo TMT bars, apart from the cement and bricks.

What are TMT bars?

TMT, which stands for Thermo Mechanical Treatment in TMT bars, is an innovative ingredient in setting up a secured edifice. They are strengthening bars with incredible strength that have a soft interior structure and a robust exterior structure. In fact, they form the cornerstone of any sturdy modern establishment.

Reasons why most builders prefer TMT bars for constructing a solid building.

The Indian building industry underwent a significant improvement when TMT steel emerged on the scene. Before its introduction, the use of iron rods proved fatal in the long run. Thus, TMT steel topped every builder’s priority list.

Let’s explore the reasons.

  • Anti Corrosive

In contrast to iron rods TMT steel outsmarts the former in regards to anti corrosive properties. Because the casting of thermal mechanical treatment on TMT bars keeps them from corroding, in contrast to normal iron rods or steel. Also, their high corrosion resistance feature equips them to remain dependable and viable in the long term. Hence, more workability.

  • Excellent Weldability

Since there is no strength loss at the weld intersections due to the low carbon standard, effective welding connections are possible. Even under conditions of severe tension brought on by intense tectonic processes or active loading, the structural framework typically maintains stability. Yet, there is a minor tilt before it adjusts into its original position.

  • Solid Bonding

The outstanding bonding attribute of TMT bars contributes to making it a robust building material. Engineers and contractors prefer it because of its exceptional ability to bind with adjacent concrete.

  • Economical

Among the many advantages of TMT bars, their cost effectiveness makes them the most desirable housing component. Humans are always looking for methods to cut costs, and Mega Turbo TMT bars are one such product. Our TMT steels will never let you down, offering excellent value without sacrificing their quality, contrary to normal steel or iron bars.

  • Incredible Flexibility or Bendability

It’s crucial for the TMT steel to exert flexibility for smooth construction. They can be perfectly moulded into steel frames when necessary. And this works without losing their durability or other useful qualities. It is important to mention here that the soft interior and tough exterior surface allow this to function.

  • Works against seismic activity

In an earthquake prone zone like Assam and the Northeastern region, it becomes unavoidable to use TMT bars. Why? Their supreme elongation property and malleability prevents the destruction of earthquakes. Because rebars withstand 180-degree bending without breaking.

  • Thermal or Fire Resistant

The rise in the significant use of TMT bars is a resultant of its anti thermal aspect. They have the capability to withstand temperatures between 400 and 600 degrees Celsius. Thus preventing buildings from catching fire.

  • Multipurpose Usages

The application of TMT bars extends beyond the structures of roofs and walls of homes. Its sturdy and susceptibility to corrosion makes it more demanding in developing sewage drains. Because, the continual pouring of sewage water through these drains, along with the acid and salt content, makes them more vulnerable to weathering.

In closing

To undertake a construction project as an engineer or to build your own dream home requires careful planning and material choice. Considering the pros and cons of every material required and discussing with the experts can yield a fruitful outcome. Likewise, you can always contact us if you have any queries on TMT bars; our experts will provide you with the best Mega Turbo TMT Re-bars.

