It’s the 21st day!

Syed Umar
2 min readJun 10, 2024


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Writing is a long journey, and I’m on that journey. I have published 30 articles on Medium. This is the 31st.

The first 10 articles were published in 2023. I was trying to be consistent in my writing. It was still an on-and-off adventure.

Fast forward to May 21, 2024, and I started publishing my writings again with the aim of publishing them daily.

It’s the 21st day since then and the 21st article.

There is reason I am emphasizing on this. Have you ever heard of the 21/90 rule? Don’t fret; I'll explain.

The 21/90 rule states that it takes 21 days to form a new habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle.

Although making it a permanent lifestyle is still far away, I have certainly come close to the automaticity point. Where a habit starts getting performed with less effort.

That’s the thing I want to celebrate and share.

The Next Step

I will not complicate my writing process. I shall continue publishing daily for the next 21 days. The target is to publish for 42 consecutive days.

Halfway is done; halfway is left.

The productivity I've gotten by publishing daily until now is very good but it’s still immature. There is a lot to publish on a consistent basis until it becomes a habit.

I have once wrote for 2 months straight but then lost my momentum. It's been almost 3 years since then, I haven’t been able to write consistently.

This is my chance. This is a golden chance to capitalize on what I have done in the past few weeks.

This time I have personal experience with how much it’s difficult to gain momentum back after losing it.

I know the value of discipline. I know the value of small steps. I know the power of process. I know the effects of the environment.

Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

I am hopeful.

Things are easy.

But who knows…

"What is easy to do is also easy not to do.”

Let’s see what happens.

It would be interesting to watch.



Syed Umar

Writing freely, whatever comes in mind.