The Full Picture of Genesis and Details on the Special AirDrop

SyFu: GameFi + Payment Data
4 min readApr 1, 2024


Hello everyone. Following the conclusion of the recent Genesis Mint event, we at SyFu would like to share important information about the full scope of Genesis and the upcoming AirDrop. With this moment, our project has reached a new milestone.

The Full Picture of Genesis

- Genesis is a precious digital asset with a supply cap of 3120, minted on the Ethereum blockchain. Special “Pods” will be airdropped on an EVM-compatible chain used within the SyFu game for these NFTs.

- Dual NFT Ownership: Genesis holders will own both the Genesis on the Ethereum blockchain and the MANEKINEKO NFT (Genesis) airdropped onto the EVM chain within the game. Each of these can be traded independently.

- Future AirDrops: Genesis holders will receive SyFu tokens and items (such as Breed items) that influence the ecosystem in the future. (Conducted irregularly)

*Please refer to the whitepaper for more details on Genesis.
*For those considering purchasing Genesis in the future, please use the secondary market.
💎 OpenSea

Details on the Genesis AirDrop

- AirDrop of MANEKINEKO NFT (Genesis) Pods:

The MANEKINEKO NFT (Genesis) will have an “Uncommon” rarity, the second tier in the game. As new ones are minted through pre-sales and user breeding, “Uncommon (Genesis)” will be limited to 3120 worldwide. A special Pod that grows into this unique MANEKINEKO NFT (Genesis) will be airdropped.

Furthermore, the MANEKINEKO NFT (Genesis) will play a crucial role in the breeding program, enhancing the chance to mint rarities above “Uncommon” through “inbreeding” among MANEKINEKO with Genesis ancestors, making it a rare lineage.

- AirDrop of Breed items:

Genesis holders will receive “Breed items” necessary for producing new MANEKINEKO NFTs in the game. (Before the open beta launch)
Genesis holders will initiate the development of a new MANEKINEKO ecosystem by bringing the Breed items received from the AirDrop into the game’s ecosystem for breeding. As more users join, they will play a crucial early role in the ecosystem where MANEKINEKO are minted.

- AirDrop of SyFu Tokens (Governance Tokens):

Genesis holders will receive SyFu tokens, used within our ecosystem, around the time of token launch. This allows holders to directly influence the future of our ecosystem.

Impact on In-Game Credit Score

In SyFu’s game, accounts have a credit score.
This score is built on service usage and economic contribution, facilitating game progress, token acquisition, and establishing trust and status within the ecosystem.
Owning SyFu digital assets (NFTs or tokens) is a way to efficiently increase this credit score, depending on the amount and duration of ownership.
Especially, MANEKINEKO Genesis will be one of the most valued digital assets.


Genesis not only plays a vital role in our SyFu ecosystem but also offers holders the ownership of two independent digital assets, limited AirDrops, and a special role within the game.
We look forward to Genesis holders playing a god-like role in our ecosystem, nurturing and developing the new MANEKINEKO NFT ecosystem.
The Genesis Mint event was by invitation only, facilitating the formation of an initial community, AL distribution methods, and Discord operation, creating a private and exclusive environment. This has laid a strong community foundation that resonates with our vision and goals.
We at SyFu are excited to forge the future path alongside MANEKINEKO Genesis holders.

Upcoming Milestones

🗓️ Upcoming Events and Developments

- Test β-version product launch
- Open β-version product launch
- Payment data integration with various countries
- Expansion of collaboration MANEKINEKO
- Corporate wallet offering
- WEB3 finance services

Recent Activities of SyFu

The SyFu project has recently achieved several significant milestones.

For Those Wishing to Join the SyFu Initial Community

The SyFu Discord is invitation-only, open to existing community members and KOL invites. Interested parties can apply after registering on the official website’s waiting list.
Official Website:



SyFu: GameFi + Payment Data

SyFu is a WEB3 wallet that turns your payment data into digital assets with GameFi. Unlock the value of payment data. Waiting list open now: