Why are protestors in Hong Kong waving American flags and singing U.S. national anthem?

3 min readSep 11, 2019


source : CNN

First of all, I would like to clarify, our main purpose is to support the Congress to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, instead of placing hope in Trump to “liberate” Hong Kong.

source : We HK No China Extradition

What can you do to support Hong Kong?

If you are a resident in the district of a particular congressman, please send a letter to key congressmen and senators. If not, please ask your friends and family in the United States to send a letter by this link: urge your congress representative to support Hong Kong.

In case you have any question for the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, here are some crucial information for you.

The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act would:

  1. Require the Secretary of State to issue an annual certification of Hong Kong’s autonomy to justify special treatment afforded to Hong Kong by the U.S. Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992.
  2. Require the President to identify persons responsible for the abductions of Hong Kong booksellers and journalists and those complicit in suppressing basic freedoms in Hong Kong, including those complicit in the forced removal of individuals exercising internationally recognized rights to mainland China for detention or trial, and to freeze their U.S.-based assets and deny them entry to the United States.
  3. Require the President to issue a strategy to protect U.S. citizens and businesses from the implications of a revised Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, including by determining whether to revise the U.S.-Hong Kong extradition agreement and the State Department’s travel advisory for Hong Kong.
  4. Require the Secretary of Commerce to issue an annual report assessing whether the Government of Hong Kong is adequately enforcing both U.S. export regulations regarding sensitive dual-use items and U.S. and U.N. sanctions, particularly regarding Iran and North Korea.
  5. Make clear that visa applicants shall not be denied visas on the basis of the applicant’s arrest, detention or other adverse government action taken as a result of their participation in the nonviolent protest activities related to pro-democracy advocacy, human rights, or the rule of law in Hong Kong.

The full text of the bill can be found here: H.R. 3289 and S. 1838.

source : @hk_writer Twitter

Elizabeth Warren, who is a U.S. senator and candidate for president, had listened to our demands.

Do you hear the people sing?

“Glory to Hong Kong” with ENG subs

Hongkongers couldn’t quite resonate with the Chinese national anthem “March of the Volunteers”. Instead, by singing the protestors’ new theme song: “Glory to Hong Kong”, Hongkongers finally understood the same emotion that moved many foreigners into tears when they heard their own national anthem. Some are calling it Hong Kong’s new national anthem.

source : 抖抖戲

People in Hong Kong sang this song and shouted slogans as they gathered at Cityplaza shopping centre on Sep. 9, 2019. And this grand scene reappeared at many shopping malls and public places on the next day, including Moko, Tuen Shun Street Plaza, Popcorn Shopping Centre, Ma On Shan Plaza, Metroplaza, Tai Po Mega Mall, Tung Chung, Sheung Shui, Wong Tai Sin and Tuen Munon. They also booed the Chinese national anthem at football qualifier.

Please stand with Hong Kong. We fight for freedom and democracy. Hongkongers will not rest until five demands are met.

source : STANDNEWS

Five Demands:

  1. Completely withdraw Extradition Bill.
  2. Retract the proclamation that protests on 9th June and 12th June were riots.
  3. Withdraw criminal charges against all protestors.
  4. Thoroughly investigate abuse of powers by the police.
  5. Dissolve the Legislative Council by administrative order, and immediately implement Dual Universal Suffrage.

