9 Appreciation Trophy Wording Ideas

2 min readJun 14, 2022


Trophies themselves are a piece of appreciation. They acknowledge your achievement, dedication, and hard work and appreciate it.

However, there are ways in which you can make the gratification even greater and that is by wording the trophies with grateful words of appreciation.

Communication has always been humankind’s greatest tool. Albeit, correct wording can go a long way to show great appreciation.

Therefore, here I have some great appreciation trophy wording ideas that you can use while presenting a trophy to someone.

Appreciation for employees

If you are looking for wording ideas to appreciate the employees who have worked really hard for your organization or for their long-term dedication for the organization; then here are a few ideas for that.


“Thank you for all your contributions to the organization/project/campaign. We truly appreciate your commitment and dedication.”

You can then finish this appreciation wording with the recipient's name and post.


“With our greatest appreciation, we present Recipient’s Name with this award in recognition of your dedicated service to our organization.”

You can also choose to add the date that the award was presented.


“In grateful appreciation for going above and beyond for the organization. You are a shining example of how we want to grow our company.”

If you use this appreciation wording, you have to option to either include or exclude the recipient’s name.

Furthermore, if you want awards that have the space for your company’s logo, you can check Sylvan Studio.

Appreciation for participants in a competition

You can use these wording ideas to appreciate the winners or the participants of the competition.


Organization Name honors Recipient’s Name for your outstanding performance in Competition Name

You can then top this appreciation wording off by mentioning the position that the recipient has received as well as the date the competition was held.


“This award is presented to express our appreciation for the outstanding performance you have shown in the Competition’s Name.”

You can either start the appreciation wording with the name of the recipient or choose to mention it at the end along with the date.


Title of the Award, Organization / Team Name, Recipient’s Name / Position. Congratulations on a job well done.”

This is a subtle yet charming way of appreciating the efforts someone has put into the competition and can be a great appreciation wording idea.

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