CLA Safflower Oil: Reviews, Benefits and Side Effects on Weight Loss

Sylvester Spoon
4 min readJan 1, 2017


Obesity is a public health problem affecting more people in the developed or developing countries. Obesity is a medical condition that involves storing excess body fat and can be calculated using Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is used since 1871 for the classification of individuals as healthy weight (average weight), underweight (low weight), overweight (overweight) or obese (obesity grade 1, 2 or 3). The main causes of obesity are overeating and metabolic disorders.

Obesity causes and evolution should not be treated lightly, because of every year, over 800,000 people worldwide die from the disease. Also, obesity is the cause of numerous other disorders, both mental and medical order. Thus, a person suffering from morbid obesity has serious problems of social adjustment, self-esteem, complexes related to physical appearance, but many dysfunctions caused by excess body fat in the body. People with obesity have an increased risk of developing several pathological, conditions that may decrease the quality of life and premature death. Obesity is associated with over 30 diseases, and scientific evidence has established a close relationship between at least 15 of them. Losing weight by over 10% for people with obesity may improve some diseases related with this, including diabetes and hypertension. Obesity is associated with some cardiovascular risk factors, including insulin resistance, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, low levels of HDL (good fat) and high blood pressure. A feature of insulin resistance is acanthosis nigricans, whose presence indicates an increased risk of diabetes type II.

So what do we do to lose weight when our life depends on it? I think it’s critical to have a healthy diet and a program of daily exercises, but maybe we should do that for us, just to be fit, not to lose weight. So we need a stronger thing to lose the extra pounds that threaten our health. Why get there when we can avoid it? Another solution for this problem might be supplemented. These are pretty helpful when it comes to an easier losing weight. Their ingredients can make some changes in our metabolism so that we can burn fats faster. CLA Safflower Oil might be the perfect match for you and your problems!

CLA Safflower Oil is a supplement that claims to be excellent in helping you to lose weight. CLA is a fatty acid that can reduce body fat storage while using body fat as an energy source. CLA is designed to reduce present lipoprotein lipase. This enzyme is essential for the synthesis of fats. Since it reduces the protein, more fat is burned and eliminated than filed in the body. Conjugated linoleic acid is especially recommended for diets and weight reduction. The first noticeable effect is to reduce the layer of fat on the abdomen where CLA is an effective action.

Safflower oil is one of the oils with the most beneficial health qualities of the human body. It can be used to prepare many dishes, and even if it is high in calories, research shows that by using it moderately it can significantly reduce belly fat. Saffron has an intense smell, strong flavor. Visceral fat performs some pressure on the internal organs and can cause cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke. Another study shows that phytosterols reduce the absorption of cholesterol. Experts say this kind of oil contains fatty acids, known under the name of PUFA, which resembles saturated fats regarding calorific value.

However, experts argue that the impact on health is different because it contains elements that lower cholesterol. This oil can reduce insulin resistance, which is associated with excess belly fat. Spanish researchers have concluded that chickens fed with polyunsaturated fatty acids are excellent for consumption because they lower cholesterol and regulate insulin. Other research also shows that unsaturated fats, similar to those in safflower oil, provide good support for reducing abdominal fat.

The CLA from this supplement comes from Safflower Oil, so it is natural. CLA Safflower Oil is a perfect supplement for all those who avoid chemical substances, who are vegetarians or who have different intolerances. There are no signs of side effects, but if they happen, they should have a minimum impact, nothing serious.

So, CLA Safflower Oil claims to accelerate weight loss, improve the metabolism and increase the energy level. The beneficial effects safflower can explain all these has over our bodies. The price is affordable, so it worth to be tried. It might be the right solution, cheap and safe!


