How to Start Your Entrepreneurial Journey with a Side Hustle

3 min readJan 18, 2022

The entrepreneurial journey comes with a myriad of challenges that requires you the entrepreneur to constantly be adapting, pivoting, leading, persisting, and more. It’s a tough gig but also potentially highly rewarding in terms of money, freedom, and fulfilment. As a serial entrepreneur, immersing myself in the world of starting and growing businesses has been a great adventure. The joy I derived from the process goes far beyond the pain I had to endure to achieve the progress I set out to realise.

Before you leap full-time into your first business, operating it as a side hustle is one of the best ways to get started. You get to keep your day job, which reduces the pressure to pay rent and bills and gives you more time to find your business passion and achieve product-market fit. Use the free Quit Your Day Job calculator here to assess when’s a good time to make the leap.

I started my social media agency after leaving my corporate job. Just like Rome, the business wasn’t built in a day. It started off as a side hustle, with me working during lunch hours, after work, and weekends operating an influencer marketing business. With sufficient traction achieved part-time, I left my corporate job to work full-time on my business.




Entrepreneur. Writer. Dreamer. On the journey to becoming #unstoppable in life and business.