How to Transform the Victim into the Explorer

Sylvia Lafair
3 min readDec 12, 2017


Have you noticed that the more persecutor/bullies lash out the more the victims of their nastiness go to hide under the bedcovers?

I don’t often feel like a victim, however, I had an employee who was the bossiest witch always telling everyone in the office what to do, on her terms.

One day I hung the phone up after she told me I was late with a deadline (I wasn’t) and that I had kept her waiting (I didn’t), I found myself muttering some very specific expletives. I took a long drink of water and did a 5-minute breathing technique and sat looking at the phone, feeling weak and discounted.

Then it hit me. “Damn, I’m a bona-fide victim.”

I felt inadequate and full of fear. Now, normally, I’m not a consummated complainer, but in this situation, I was pessimistic and defeated.

I am the owner of my woman owned company and am mostly seen as strong, competent, and well, GUTSY.

Read the entire article here on CEOptions:

About Sylvia Lafair

As a curious kid, I was fascinated watching how often people would make the same mistakes and complain about the same upsets time after time. I observed it in family, neighbors, at school and even in books and films.

As I grew older I saw how specific experiences become behavior patterns that people lived by yet barely noticed. It was “same stuff, different day,” just like in “Groundhog Day.”

My fascination with the power of personal and cultural patterns deepened after my father died from a sudden heart attack when I was 14. The cause? Constant conflict at work.

My determination to understand what happened and why led me to an amazing discovery: unresolved family patterns follow us to work. That’s what was behind the stress my father carried throughout his career.

Work stress became the enemy.

My search for more answers became my passion, to find ways to transform outdated, ingrained patterns that destroy health and the joy of success.

Now, I do what I do to prepare, liberate and empower leaders and teams — and to ensure no one need lose a loved one over unresolved conflict and stress at work.

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— Sylvia Lafair PhD — founder of Creative Energy Options (CEOInc.) and the world’s leading authority in Pattern Aware Leadership Development, Top Global Leadership Guru and award winning author of Don’t Bring It To Work.

Read Sylvia’s columns and The National Business Journals

Originally published at on December 12, 2017.

