Can Christians practice QiGong

Sylvia Sim
6 min readMay 26, 2018


The Nei Jing Tu scroll

The above is an ancient drawing of how our body energy is created, stored and its flow. As the ancients are mostly farmers and not educated. The master of this drawing, uses fairy tales, farmers’ knowledge, to explain the flow of “Qi”. It is so simple that, I can understand, simply by the pictures and the post they are drawn.

QiGong is a form of exercise to promote the body energy to flow well. It is a Eastern culture of promoting Health to the physical body. Christianity is a Western culture that spread to the Eastern people.Therefore lets open our mind to this ancient wisdom. Truly, I share with you.The Kingdom of God is put into our body, when God created Man.

Practice Qi Gong

I lived with Lupus for over 35 years now. I seek many alternatives to avoid eating drugs. I take eating drug as my last resort. I continue my doctor yearly appointments. Also making my promise to the doctor that should I feel too ill to cop, I will seek him. Here are my 3 keys of successfully living with Lupus:

Lifestyle — I choose a less stress lifestyle. That is: if there is a very crowded place with all the happenings, I will not be there. For I will be fighting for air with others all around me. I choose to work on flexing hours; I have to become my own boss. Health and rest have to come first, business have to take a back seat. I eat lots of vegetables and plant herb. I take food supplements. And because I look after my health. I can enjoy all the rich, and tasty food I want to eat, sometime.

Mental Attitude — I continue to motivate myself and give reasons to myself to live on. I cop with every pain and aches as an everyday break-through. Keeping myself useful make me feel that I have something to live for today. I like attending self uplifting program and volunteer to help others. I also keep hobbies like Jewelry making, crafts and art works. I want to feel useful everyday. Now I am in a Mentoring career on Health, beauty and financial freedom

Exercise — I believe in Qi Gong — meaning Energy Exercise. Over the years, all my Christian friends were against this path I take. Most of them do it out of care and concern for me. Their fear of Satan controlling me was “Real” to them. They base on lots of hear-sayings. From the Hear-says they sent me, I read them through and through then seek the Lord for understanding. The rule is don’t do Qigong on your own and your own way, because what you do and experience , may be good, but you can’t interpret it, so it is like something has gone wrong. I hope my seeking can give you a better understanding. Must be guided.

It is safer to do exercise, Qigong in movements rather then the sitting down ones. For the focus is on the movements rather than on the spirit. Our spirit is weak and a thousand thoughts passes our mind all the time. when we are focusing to follow the movements in a group, then is no time to entertain other passing thoughts. Thus it is the time the body relax and allow our body natural energy to move… Qi moves.

My mother was a serious idol worshiper. That was my born religion. Then I became a Buddhist teacher. Then become God’s child. My background is not what I chose, but is part of my life. I thank God for this background. For they are knowledge and experiences that is not based on Hear-say but a real life experience. I started Tai Chi at aged 32 and continue to do many form of Qi Gong.

During my seeking, I realized what a Great God /Creator God we have. Genesis 1:26 — Then God said.” Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” v27 — So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female . — Science tell us that we have an almighty body. A body that can regenerate, repair and recharge ourselves. A body that is so fantastic that no man can even recreate another one near to us. — The human. In God creating us. He also give us the abilities to tap on the heaven and earth energy. Man will be healthy when he is able to blend into the Mother nature. He even provide a biological clock in our body to recharge our body. In fact He is so fair. He also give this abilities to the plants and animals kingdom. The plant and the animals did not forget the “clock of nature”. Only man move away and thus forget the root of God’s good intention.

Can Christian practice Qigong

The Body of Christ — All Christians are consider to be in the Body of Christ. So Christians should not condemned another Christians, just because they are from a different branch. eg. Baptist, Evangeline, Roman Catholic. The church of God etc. For all for us are in the same body of Christ. We should stand as one in all locality — as a body of Christ. For if we don’t, then we will confused the non-Christians. What’s then is the Good News of being a Christian ? It is the Christ in us, the hope of glory given to us by Jesus. What is this Hope of glory? to be given a Holy Spirit indwelling in our Body. When our term on earth ended, Jesus is the way to lead us into eternal life as Him.

Let’s reflect on this “Body” — Example: there is a heart who just and only know the job of a heart. The kidney who just and only know the job of a kidney, the mouth, the nose, the veins, the tiny cell, the blood, they all function differently. They are all important as a body, to achieve a body life. This is to say, the heart should not criticize the kidney and likewise. Romans 8:v1 — So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. v2 And because you belong to Him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.

Now let’s understand this Life-giving Spirit: This is the same Spirit that Jesus asked God to give to us upon accepting Him. The accepting is entering into Baptism with Him. During Baptism, all Christian are given freely the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thus from that moment on, all Christians have an indwelling Holy Spirit from God. This Almighty Spirit is one with God and link to God. If you have such an Almighty Spirit indwelling in your body, Can Satan (the evil one) enter your body? Another e.g. you stay in your house, a house you own or rent is still a house of your own. Can you allow other people to enter and stay inside? Surely the answer is NO. … No way — In the same way, Satan can’t enter you because of the indwelling of the Almighty Holy Spirit of God. This is the revelation that set me free. I hope that enlighten you too. Don’t ever imagine Satan can enter your body, just because you practice Qi Gong. What is inside of you is greater than what is outside tempting you.

