Don’t Put Your Life On Hold

1 min readJun 4, 2019


Please, I urge you. Don’t put your life on hold for the sake of other people.

Don’t put others’ happiness above your own. Be compassionate and loving, but take care of yourself too.

Therapist and relationship coach Silvy Khoucasian once said, “Empathy without boundaries is self-destruction.”

We need to be kind and gentle with ourselves. If you don’t take care of yourself, eventually you will crash and burn.

Don’t let others meddle in your decisions. It is not your responsibility to solely do what they believe is best for you.

Life is ephemeral. Moments are special. Do the things that spark joy for YOU, that make YOU happy.




Engineer. Traveler. Bookworm. Nature lover. Documenting memories, useful tips, musings, and other creative works. Living for Moments and Experiences.