Symbioses: Decentralized Cloud Computing. For Everyone, Everywhere.

Symbioses Blog
4 min readJul 7, 2018


If you’re interested in learning more about Symbioses, please visit our website or join our telegram channel for constant project and token sale updates. The Symbioses team will NEVER ask you for money or for your wallet private keys. Only trust those with the “admin” tag next to their name. Please make sure to read the pinned post in the channel to learn more about the project and the Symbioses team.

What is Symbioses?

Symbioses is a decentralized global network of computing power that connects non-interoperable technologies, enabling them to work collectively and efficiently. Find out more at

The problem?

The continuous digitalization of our daily lives is creating greater demand for computing capacity. Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. Fifty percent of the data in the world today has been created in the last
two years alone. Because of this, we believe that the introduction and proliferation of new technologies and devices will accelerate the data growth rate into the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, as it stands now, centralized cloud-based solutions are leveraging dominant positions to control greater amounts of computing capacity with minimal price competition. This, combined with the fact that existing decentralized solutions are limited by issues derived from scalability, latency and robustness, has created a serious need for an alternative solution. This is where Symbioses comes in.

The solution?

Symbioses aims to lower the current barriers of entry that exist in current blockchain technologies by providing a free and automated client application that runs in the background of a user’s device(s), making use of free and idle processing power, thus creating a platform to empower, connect, and benefit both producers and consumers of computing resources.

Symbioses aims to further extend the decentralized computing segment by delivering readily available Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions accessible by anyone. Much like how Uber disrupted the taxi industry and Airbnb transformed the way we rent rooms, Symbioses provides the general public with a one-size-fits-all tool for real-time monetization of their existing devices; the available resources of which are shared by hosting turn-key SaaS solutions.

The best part? Symbioses has developed and built a working product that is ready to go to market. The ability to harness computing power from users’ devices and reward them for that computing power is a near reality.

Why blockchain?

In a space that is incredibly saturated with projects that have no real use case for Blockchain technology, aside from “decentralize everything”, Symbioses stands apart. Aiming to take advantage of both the anonymity and transparency traits that blockchain provides, Symbioses plans to harness and utilize the already abundant and currently “idle” processing power found in most devices —the same processing power that is steadily increasing in today’s data and technology driven society.

The SYM token … how does it work?

SYM tokens are the exchange currency in the micro economy of the Symbioses Ecosystem. However, they are not just exchanged for hosting SaaS instances, since they also provide proof of membership and reputation.

  • Consumers will be charged transaction fees for their usage of the Symbioses public cloud, i.e., hosting SaaS solutions.
  • The fees are distributed among the Producers providing the computing resources to host these solutions.
  • A small percentage of the fee is dedicated to the support and continuous development of the Symbioses public cloud, i.e., the Symbioses Ecosystem fund.
  • The fees will be paid using SYM tokens, and the Producers are incentivized to hold the tokens in order to gain higher reputation levels and thus increase

How else can I earn SYM tokens?

According to the Symbioses whitepaper, there will be a number of ways both producers and consumers can earn SYM tokens.

  • Registering to the service (welcome award).
  • Referring friends to expand the Symbioses network.
  • Promoting the service.
  • Writing editorial content.
  • Reporting bugs about the Client or the Ecosystem in general.
  • Reporting security issues.

Interested in participating?

Symbioses is hosting an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in which individuals and organizations can purchase SYM tokens, allowing them to participate in the Symbioses ecosystem when it is launched.

Symbioses is currently in its initial coin offering stage, so if you’re interested in learning more or participating, hop over to our telegram channel for constant project and token sale updates.

Stay tuned for our next post in which we will highlight the Symbioses token metrics and token sale details.



Symbioses Blog

Symbioses: Decentralized Cloud Computing. For Everyone, Everywhere.