Token Teleport from Symbiosis. Try Today!

Symbiosis 👾
2 min readNov 28, 2023


In the ever-changing world of cryptocurrency, new ideas and improvements keep coming. We thus have created another exciting option for our customers and partners. Meet Teleport.

Essentially, it’s a super high-speed cross-chain AMM DEX making all operations so quickly and safely your tokens appear to be really teleported to the necessary destination! Or, as we put it in the team, Teleport is just the swap instrument you need — but better.

In fact, Teleport’s functionality is pretty close to that of Octopool. This time, bridging gets even more seamless though, so we empower our users to navigate the complexities of multiple networks at a glance. Still, there are a couple of additions present: Teleport is able to work with native project tokens! While using a pretty similar nodes system, Teleport has’em smoother and faster to provide failure-free liquidity securitization for all players in the market.

And good news: you now have a powerful tool for moving your $SIS across six! different networks — Scroll, Ethereum, Linea, Polygon, Arbitrum, and BNB — with just a click. Get it, exploit it, and be free of any hassle:

It’s fine if you have any other questions — for example, how to use Token Teleport. We’ve got you covered!

With Teleport adding up to the Symbiosis product system, we believe it to become a brand new point of attraction for clients, partners. Follow Symbiosis on social media to trace this journey and benefit from new turns 🐙



Symbiosis 👾

Symbiosis is a cross-chain liquidity aggregation protocol. Best rates for any to any token swaps. EVM and non-EVM networks supported.