Custom Ecommerce Website Development: The Pros And Cons

2 min readJul 4, 2022

custom ecommerce website development is creating a website with eCommerce features, allowing a company to sell goods or services over the internet. Headless commerce may help you avoid a generic design and allow you more flexibility for your site than traditional custom site creation, depending on your growth stage.


Having a custom eCommerce web design has various advantages. Here are a few examples of how it can help your company flourish.

Automate complex sales processes

This form of automation also allows your clients to specify their own products, allowing them to quickly examine pricing and logistical factors with little to no assistance from your employees. Depending on what you sell, you may need a lot of consumer involvement in your sales process. Your customers and sales team will benefit from a well-designed eCommerce website.

A tool for the sales team

On your website, you can integrate granular tracking and analytics, which can provide a wealth of data. Your sales team could go to the website to aid clients in selecting the right product by keeping documentation, features, and product specs in one place.

Your website can potentially become a valuable tool for your sales staff. You’ll be able to observe which goods are receiving the most attention, identify regions that aren’t doing as well, and conduct A/B testing to determine the most successful ways of presenting products. Your eCommerce site can also be used as a quick quotation system if you don’t have an ERP system, enabling your team to generate pricing estimates for consumers in seconds.

Supports a wide range of media

When you use a theme or preset, you must insert these elements into pre-made boxes that may or may not suit your needs. Themes and templates can only support a limited number of visuals, whereas custom-designed and eCommerce site development can handle a far greater choice of visuals.

Rich merchandising capabilities like GIFs displaying product benefits or videos that parallax scroll directly into the website’s design, for example, are an extension of what a standard eCommerce platform can accomplish.


Regarding bespoke website development for your developing business, there are some negatives to consider.

Order fulfilment and logistics

You’ll need a detailed order fulfilment procedure that considers order processing time, the number of people required to complete an order, how things will be dispatched, and how returns will be handled.

This will only enrage customers and negatively impact your company’s reputation. So, before launching an eCommerce site for your company, don’t forget about order fulfilment and logistics. It’s pointless to sell things to people if you’re having trouble delivering them.

Slow-loading website

Your website’s code may not be optimised based on the developer you hire and their expertise. Each click will cause the site to load more data than is required to function correctly. Your website would take longer to load if it has a lot of code, plugins, and media. Custom sites allow you to add characteristics that make purchasing for your customers easier or more appealing, but there is a cost.

