Symfony Barcelona
3 min readMar 30, 2016

Hello World.

Let me introduce us. We are the organizers of a new Symfony Conference placed in Barcelona this July 22 and 23. Did you know about us? Well, if you did, hello again, is really nice to meet you again. Otherwise… we’re glad to see you for the first time!

Please, be welcomed to our Medium stream.

You may ask yourself… why should I attend this conference? Why this conference is any different? What I am going to see there? And the most important thing… will it worth beit?

Let us explain you a couple of things that will help you to resolve these questions yourself, and hopefully, you will join usin this spectacular Mediterranean city…

We are used to attend several conferences around the world. All of them are exactly the same. Repeated talks (once and again…), mediocre food, expensive tickets and too many talks placed in the same day. Even if the conference is a good one, people’s mind cannot process and enjoy all the information because its massive intensity.

Well, the question is… do you like it this way? Do you feel comfortable accepting that it is the way it goes, and this is not going to change?

Note - Sorry for generalizing, maybe we’re being too dramatic here. We know how hard it is to create an event. We encourage everyone to create a new one with their own philosophy and we respect every single Event in the world. The more events, the more community. This is our finality.

We think that things can change radically. We also think that we should focus (only) on what’s really important in a conference. Only 3 words. Speakers. Talks. Attendees.

What kind of speakers do you want to see in a conference? Of course each of you will have your own opinion, but all of you will coincide in one thing. We’re quite sure about that…

Keep me awake, interested and excited, please !!

Are we wrong? Pretty sure we’re not… Well, our speakers must follow one single rule. Keep people awake, interested and excited, please. We choose our speakers because of their career as a communicators, because of their English skills and because their empathy capabilities.

During the conference, we will create some Lighting Talks for those of you that want to try yourself in front of 600 attendees and show us how good you can be. That will be your opportunity to make your own “Hello World”

All the event is in pure English.

What kind of talks would you like to see in the conference? Difficult question, right? Well… this is a very interesting topic to discuss, but there’s only one absolute truth here…

No matter what topics you propose. Part of your audience will always be disappointed, angry and disgusted with them. So in that case, every conference should focus in part of the audience and make sure this part is satisfied enough. The other part, doesn’t really matter at all…

Our talks are unique, so all of them will be the first time to be presented by any speaker in any conference. Each of them is specially fitted for the event with some rules proposed by the organization.

Each talk is focused on what’s really important for almost everyone. Deployment, Standards, Components… and all these explained in a way that you will be able to understand perfectly.

If the answer of the question Does it change something in my life is yes after any talk, then that talk was totally worth it

And you, as an attendee… what will you find here? Well, 2 days with 4 talks per day, lighting talks or unconferences, some amazing and special surprises and the best thing in our tech world… the community, the people.

You won’t have to pay any catering. Sorry for that, but we don’t want you to pay +100 extra euros for bad food. In exchange for that, the conference venue is near a lot of restaurants, bars and places to join other people and have fun between talks. You will be able to eat whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want.

So make sure you check your calendar and book some days next July, because you have a conference in Barcelona and you don’t want to miss it… for sure :)

Make sure your week is amazing, and we hope to see you soon!