Marc D Anderson
1 min readMar 16, 2017


And this is my huge concern. In small shops where the developer is the administrator is the user, the process will be no process: big win.

In large organizations where the admins and developers are separate — sometimes by departments or geographies — and probably spend next to no time with actual users, I expect SPFx will mean SharePoint will be less and less useful, even if one can see it on a phone.

We seem to be losing the concept of trust and working for the good of our organizations in all this security rhetoric. Yes, the world is changing, but the majority — I would venture it’s 99.a-bunch-of-nines-% — of the people adding script to pages are trying to get their damn work done better. That’s the goal of a collaboration platform: working together better.

Let’s hope usefulness of the platform doesn’t erode to the point that people look elsewhere.



Marc D Anderson

SharePoint Guy, Microsoft MVP, Enterprise Collaboration Strategist, Consultant, Developer