Alex RickabaughinAngular BlogThe future is standalone!Angular v19 will make standalone: true the default for components, directives, and pipes.Sep 32Sep 32
Alex RickabaughinAngular BlogMeet Angular’s New Control FlowThis November, we’ll release Angular version 17 with a number of new template features, including a new built-in syntax for control flow…Sep 25, 202334Sep 25, 202334
Alex RickabaughIntroducing Hypergolic Systemstl;dr: I’m building a mod for KSP with some ambitious goals of solving long-time limitations and enriching the game’s mechanics.Sep 20, 2023Sep 20, 2023
Alex RickabaughinAngular BlogAn Update on Standalone Components(and directives and pipes!)Apr 6, 20226Apr 6, 20226
Alex RickabaughinAngular BlogHow the Angular Compiler WorksThe Angular Compiler (which we call ngc) is the tool used to compile Angular applications and libraries. ngc is built on the TypeScript…Feb 9, 20228Feb 9, 20228
Alex RickabaughinAngular BlogUnder the Hood of the Language ServiceState of the Language ServiceFeb 4, 20215Feb 4, 20215