Security Advantages of Cloud Infrastructure

Synapse India
4 min readMay 13, 2020


Today, the word ‘cloud’ is no longer a buzzword in the IT industry, yet some small and medium-sized companies are still paranoid about storing data off-site. Rescue to their anxiety, security experts themselves no longer see the cloud as a threat.

The exploits being used by hackers during the Covid-19 crisis has changed, and the organizations that aren’t upholding best practice security measures are more vulnerable exhibiting possible security loopholes. However, the cloud-based storage systems offer a practical algorithm to process and manage vast workflows securely.

Here are some of the highlights why migrating to the cloud can help you enforce your security stance.

1. Data security: Employees often use several devices from several locations, all accessing the same files and sharing them with coworkers. Unless handled securely, these practices can lead to massive data leaks or network-wide malware infestations, laptop crashes or data corruption. Cloud services encrypt all data and provide employees and employers with sophisticated tools for easy sharing and mobile computing. This prevents a third party from eavesdropping or tampering with data being transmitted. Cloud-based systems give the required freedom to companies to choose their users who will be accessing the data that has been outsourced to the cloud. This way, any attempts to tamper with personal or professional data can be thwarted.

2. Protection against DDoS: Distributed denial of service attacks are on the rise, and a top cloud computing security solution focuses on measures to stop huge amounts of traffic aimed at a company’s cloud servers and they have entire teams dedicated and trained in cybersecurity. These DDoS attacks may tarnish the image of the company, as clients begin to lose trust. This entails monitoring, absorbing and dispersing DDoS attacks to minimize risk.

3. Patches and Updates: Critical exploits are often exploited by malicious attackers only a few hours after their public release. Cloud patch management involves installing and managing patches or code changes on all systems within a network. These patches improve systems, keep them up to date, and fix security vulnerabilities to keep hackers and malware at bay.

4. Physical security: When it comes to physical security of their data and facilities, small to medium-sized businesses can only do so much to prevent breaches or a documented Disaster Recovery Plan, or never testing them. But cloud computing vendors can employ stronger physical security measures at their facilities to ensure data safety by storing data in another location and physically protecting it with around-the-clock camera surveillance and automatic backups.

5. Security certificates: Organisations can’t afford to take chances with their data or compliance and security certifications make it easier for organisations to trust cloud computing providers. Providers with cloud security certifications are sure to employ individuals who are qualified and experienced with configuring cloud servers and keeping client data secure.

6. High availability and support: Some cloud computing security solutions offers constant support for a company’s assets. This includes live monitoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and every day of the year. Redundancies are built-in to ensure your company’s website and applications are always online.

7. Flexibility: A cloud computing solution provides you with the security you need whether you’re turning up or down capacity. You have the flexibility to avoid server crashes during high traffic periods by scaling up your cloud solution. Then when the high traffic is over, you can scale back down to reduce costs.

8. Multi-factor authentication: Small to medium-sized organisations don’t have the time, resources to implement higher security standards like multi-factor authentication. With hacking techniques becoming more effective every day, your systems and data aren’t necessarily safe with just a combination of a unique ID and a promised password.

9. More secure APIs: APIs are important in maintaining the availability and security of a cloud service. Some cloud services help users to identify and improve weak APIs that can expose the organization.

10. Less room for error: Advancements in technology reduce the need to rely on humans for many tasks. Since manual effort is not required for tasks that need to be replicated, using technology for those jobs directly translates to fewer errors. No more load on the IT support guys and we can use those resources for other prior work.

Implementing cloud-based solutions for your business is certain to bring a higher standard of security that your in-house IT team or a locally managed system is unlikely to achieve. Modern cloud services are reliable, highly secure, and cost-effective. Will we be able to tackle the challenge put by the current pandemic? Sometimes the traditional way doesn’t work, we are forced to adapt and re-structure and protect our organisation.

SynapseIndia offers end-to-end services for cloud security, we understand cloud security deeply and help our clients mitigate security issues.

