Rising Above Low Vibrations & Discovering Inner Harmony

Suchitra Malvankar
2 min readJun 26, 2023

Low-vibrating thoughts usually contain feelings of anger, resentment, sadness, and a sense of being cheated or hurt by certain words and actions. The main reason behind this is that even though the event has passed, we tend to replay it in our minds, thereby hindering our present state of high vibration. Holding on to unpleasant memories brings down the energy of the present moment. Remember, we create each day and each moment of our lives. Life teaches us valuable lessons, so let’s be grateful for the learning, even if it was a difficult experience.

Trusting fully can be challenging in today’s world. It’s hard to know the true intentions of others towards our well-being. Be wise and remember that a person’s true nature is eventually revealed. It’s important to check the basics and don’t consider it a sign of distrust. Getting the relevant facts checked, even if they seem insignificant, is a way to maintain trust. Blindly believing isn’t the same as trusting.

When faced with questions, it helps to understand the intentions of the person involved, as it reveals their core. Clarity about someone’s intentions will assist you in making the right decisions and moving forward.

Regarding the feeling of low vibration, which can stem from various reasons, specifically when you feel you have blindly trusted without conducting due diligence, it’s essential to accept that a mistake was made and analyze where you went wrong. Avoid replaying those scenes in your mind; it is the best course of action.

Be kind to yourself and engage in other activities to deliberately divert your mind. Remember, your mind can be either your greatest enemy or your closest friend.

Always remember that it’s not what happens to you that matters but rather the importance you give it in your mind by replaying it over and over again.

