How to Sync multiple Google Drive accounts simultaneously

3 min readOct 17, 2016


Syncdocs for Windows in a nifty app which lets you sync more than one Google Drive account effortlessly.

A useful feature of Syncdocs is the ability to sync multiple Google Drive accounts at the same time.

Reasons for syncing multiple Drive accounts

Perhaps you are a web-designer or consultant and work with various different customers at the same time, and need to keep their data in sync.

You may wish to keep your work G-Suite (Google Apps for Business) and personal Google Drive accounts separate.

If you are running a backup server, you might want to sync everyone on your Google Apps domain to the server, but keep their data synced to separate folders.

How to enable multiple Google Drive account Syncing

To set-up multiple accounts for Google Drive, do the following.

1. You’ll need a copy of the Syncdocs app . If you don’t have it, download and install the latest version.
2. In the Preferences -> Account Tab there are two new buttons, marked “Make Shortcut” and “Use Now”

3. Select the other account you want to use.

4. “Use Now” button runs that other account concurrently when you press the button.

5. “Make short-cut” button makes a short-cut on your PC’s desktop. This shortcut runs the other account. The short-cut is shown below. It is given the title of your gmail account (“syncdocs.test” in this case) so you can identify it.

You’ll see a different coloured short-cut icon on the task-bar for this other account.

You can have as many accounts running concurrently as you wish.

Syncdocs runs each sync user in a separate process, just like Google Chrome. This ensures that your

Things to watch out for with multiple accounts

Watch out for confusion with multiple accounts running at the same time.

Context menu uploads are always the first account

The context menu items that are shown when you right click on a file in Windows explorer (like “Share in Google Drive” ) are linked to the first (main) instance of Syncdocs that is run. For example if you right click on a file and select “Share in Google Docs”, it will be shared from the first run Syncdocs account.

How to Identify your multiple Google Drive accounts

If you hover your cursor over the secondary task-bar icons it will show you the account name, and the name is also shown at the top of the menu in blue:

The name of the account is also shown at the top of the status menu:




Sync Google Drive with Syncdocs. Syncdocs gives you enhanced Google Drive backup and sync to any location with added security.