VirUs: The Coronalisa connection is cause for introspection not further infection :-)

alison goldwyn
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2020

The greatest threat to Humankind is the lack of Humankind(ness)

What does it feel like when Earth is temporarily closed for business? In a world of chaos gone chaUs, is getting united via a Coronavirus the best we can do???

Maybe Synchronistory’s televisionary music-propelled “B’earthday” Party for the Planet is still a ways off … but the message is ever clear that the world is ever near to a global moment of connection and reflection (thus far, borne of fear).

With abundant ingenuity across the worldwide community, what will it ultimately take to break a tired legacy of connection through catastrophe rather than creativity?

It’s nobody’s fault we were all born without a conscious choice or a User Manual. It’s nobody’s fault we were born into a global dysfunctional family of orphaned nations hurtling through Infinity on a tiny spit of land called Earth, all hungry for love and a sense of purpose and worth.

VirUs; as in how will we ride this warning light which is yet one more wakeup call in the never-ending bombardment of global challenges afflicting the human mess that is our humanness? There are practical precautions we need to adhere to. However the greatest threat to Humankind is the lack of Humankind(ness). This is also our greatest immune boost :-).

That said, take daily zinc and vitamin c which are great immune boosters, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, wear (latex disposable) gloves or similar when taking public transportation, touching public door handles, poles, handrails, shopping carts, etc. … and reduce intake of media info to small doses, to avoid over-consumption that leads to mental indigestion which triggers emotional disruption which clouds clarity and destabilises equilibrium — all of which compromise the immune system and spread virally (because we’re influenced by each other consciously or unconsciously).

We need to steer Leadership towards Healership. We’re in a global growth spurt and these are tough Adolessons. Like a muscle that atrophies without constant workout, the worldwide emotional fitness program needs constant care — because when this virus gets under control (and it will) will we make the classic mistake of business-as-usual or try to live anew?

Wherever you are, whomever you’re with, take this rare opportunity of Take Five and angst-ridden global community to reconsider what kind of world you truly want this to be. Use this down time to uplift your insides. Take a breath from this fast global clip and reconsider that we can rewire this mess of our humanness … together.

Wakeup calls come in waves large and small. And sometimes they come in a musical call; a call that goes viral, in a MusiCall to Action which reminds us to stay cool while we’re jittery and fidgety about the insanity of our Humanity.

So let’s kick up our heels and dance this virus into low gear. Let’s boogie our way through this very weird phase and boy-oh-bouy our immune system knowing it won’t be the last time we’re reminded how fragile those lines that both divide AND unite … and let’s use each time as a seedling for Humankind(ness) to go viral.

Wishing you a Happy B’earthday, Planet Person … and great vibes from Within.

P.S. Wash those hands while cleaning that mind(set) 🙂

Thanks “Viet Calm” for the above … and to the “You-K” for the below!

