Bagger 293:

The World’s Largest Excavator

3 min readMar 2, 2023

The Bagger 293 is an engineering marvel that has captured the attention of people worldwide. This giant machine is a bucket-wheel excavator built by the German company Krupp in 1995. With a height of 96 meters and weight over 14,200 tons, the Bagger 293 is one of the most powerful excavation tools ever created.

Mining Lignite

The Bagger 293 was built to mine lignite, a low-grade form of coal found in massive deposits in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The machine’s massive size allows it to extract lignite from the ground at an incredibly fast rate, moving over 240,000 cubic meters of material per day.

“The Bagger 293 is a marvel of engineering that is a testament to human ingenuity and our ability to push the boundaries of what is possible.”

How it Works

The Bagger 293 is powered by an array of motors and generators that allow it to move and operate with precision. Its bucket-wheel design allows it to scoop up massive amounts of material, transported on conveyor belts to the processing plant. It requires a team of skilled operators, with one person operating the machine itself and others managing the conveyor belts and other equipment.

“Despite its massive size and power, the Bagger 293




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