Should You Own Part of the Metaverse? The Answer is Yes.

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2021
The Synesis Metaverse is a Literary Universe

The universe is expanding. And as such in our interconnected universe, our version of the internet is also expanding. The Metaverse, with its loose definitions, is an expansion of our world made possible by the internet, chiefly, Web3. What world? A new world of worlds — whatever world you wish to join — and in some worlds, whichever community you wish to be part of.

The Synesis Metaverse is a world of words — a literary universe that offers a new frontier of opportunity for you to own words and to join a community of Synesians. But why would you want to own part of any metaverse?

What Benefit Does Digital Ownership Provide?

As powerful as ownership in real life is today, we foresee digital ownership as an expansion of your power. Ownership gives us a certain level of freedom, access, and control. For example, computers enable us to work from home and stay in touch with friends and family. Blenders allow us to whip up smoothies when we’re in a rush. And cell phones allow us to stay connected on the go.

But what’s the benefit of owning digital assets and resources?

  • You’ll be equipped with your own personal arsenal of ecstasy!
  • You’ll own assets that are meaningful to you.
  • You’ll enhance your experience in the metaverse and you’ll feel it will be worth your time because of the interoperability that Web3 provides.
  • You’ll be part of communities and projects that are playing the long game in this new digital frontier to support whatever vision you have for your digital life.

As we dream about the possibilities in any metaverse we can decide to equip ourselves with the very tools and products that we want — not just to survive in the metaverse, but to thrive!

Your Digital Ownership Can Impact Your Real Life

There’s never before been a massive coordination of the digital world to transfer value to the individual — YOU. One of the great beauties of Web3 and the metaverse is that it provides new ways to capture value online in order to bring it to our day to day lives. We can earn digital resources and assets (i.e., tokens) that can be exchanged for real world goods — goods that can be transferred into fiat.

Work is taking on a whole new identity. Earning is becoming fun. Technology is granting us a chance to reconstruct our digital lives in whatever way we choose. So, as you embark into your digital life and equip yourself with a broad range of meaningful digital assets, you will be able to make your experience in the metaverse as magical as you want it to be — and your real life will be enhanced for it.

How Does the Synesis Metaverse of Fit into the Metaverse?

You will soon be able to own a Kanon NFT. It has been engineered on the backend to offer you an opportunity to earn rewards and to participate in revolutionizing artificial intelligence. On the front we’ve worked hard, in collaboration with an amazing artist collective, to bring you a token that is exceptional in its artistic design. But what’s layered between the technology and art? Together we will decide!

So what’s our take on the metaverse? Own it! Collect what’s meaningful! And by all means, have fun!

🦋 Learn more: NFT Marketplace | Twitter | Telegram | Discord| Web

The content in this article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice.



Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.