The (Human) Minds Behind Synesis One

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
5 min readNov 11, 2021

The human minds behind projects at the edge of a technological frontier are often overshadowed by the technology itself, and as we keep diving deeper, maintaining our human connection becomes even more important. One of our intentions at Synesis One is to lay the foundation for establishing a human-to-human relationship with our collective community — YOU. How are we supposed to create technology meant to help society if we completely lose touch?

With that in mind, here is a look at the team behind Synesis One!

Joshua Hong (Co-Founder)

Synesis One is deeply personal for our Co-Founder Joshua Hong. In his eyes, it provides us with a chance to unify through technology rather than drift apart, all while working collectively towards making the world more connected.

“Life is about meaning we draw from our human experience. And these meanings often lead to some unifying truths. Synesis One is designed to celebrate these truths about our being. The word ‘Synesis’ in Greek means unification.”

A serial technology entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and community builder, Josh brings many unique experiences to develop Synesis One. He started North America’s first free-to-play MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game) publisher, which became one of the largest free-to-play MMORPG publishers in the Western Hemisphere.

He was inspired to dive into the field of NFTs after realizing the potential for gamers to own their games, which previously was only possible for game makers or publishers. You can see this desire for fairness directly in Synesis One’s model, which enables contributors to start owning the data they produce.

Continuing with that belief of the collective, Josh thinks that the way in which AI unfolds across society is dependent on us humans.

“My question is how much collective will power do we have as a species to make AI beneficial to us? Answering that question starts with knowing who we are and what makes us ‘human.’”

Paul Lee (Co-Founder)

Paul Lee is has his own unique set of life experiences that he brings to Synesis One. Prior to becoming embedded in technology, Paul has held titles covering everything from clinician, to scientist, to entrepreneur, to lieutenant doctor in the Republic of Korea Army.

He set out to develop global exponential technologies and became interested in NFTs after realizing they provide us with the ability to allow the global participation of data and securitization through keywords.

Synesis One will enable this global participation better than any other system as it helps us, “…build the world’s first compendium of all human knowledge through participation of the crowd everywhere around the world, regardless of gender, culture, religion, or race.”

Paul is optimistic about the future of AI and its impact on society, believing that it will create more good than harm as long as there is decentralization and securitization of data.

David Saccon (CTO)

Leading the Synesis One development team is David Saccon, an experienced technologist with a background in software infrastructure technologies. A master architect, David’s impact on the Synesis One system spans wide and far.

David is always prepared for the future, first hearing about NFTs in 2017 after Crypto Kitties emerged. For those of you not familiar with Crypto Kitties…don’t worry, you’re not alone! It was a blockchain game that allowed players to purchase, collect, breed, and sell virtual cats.

David sees NFTs as a natural next step in the advancement of Web3 technologies, and he is especially excited that he can “…personally own a part of this new type of digital real estate.”

Tracy Spaight (Head of NFT Gaming)

Tracy brings the historian’s mind to Synesis One, which will help us learn from our past while creating for the future. A historian, technologist, game designer and digital media professional, Tracy has produced documentaries, co-authored books, and produced VR and AR projects.

He was inspired to get involved with NFTs since they are the key to building the metaverse and offering interoperability between game worlds, and he hopes that Synesis One will narrow the gap between today’s limited AI systems and tomorrow’s general AI.

Tracy has strong views on corporate and governmental AI and what is needed to make it beneficial for all of society, and he is always looking into how we can avoid plaguing our AI systems with human pitfalls.

“Most corporate controlled AI projects are directed towards solving problems relevant to the company’s bottom line — and not those that might solve more pressing challenges facing humanity. Similarly, many governments are pursuing AI to achieve AI supremacy or increase surveillance of their populations. What’s needed for AI to be beneficial for humanity, in my view, is an AI network that is owned by the community as a public utility.”

John Doe (Chief Scientist)

If anyone can help to bring about the world’s first true artificial intelligence, it’s our Chief Scientist John Doe. John has been knee-deep in researching and developing AI software for more than 10 years, and he’s always here to find a technical solution to our most complex problems.

To John, Synesis One represents the idea that we can democratize technology and all of its incredible advancements.

He believes there’s no other option but to make AI beneficial for humanity.

“The simple fact of the matter is that WE HAVE TO. Let us learn the lesson of nuclear proliferation - which is better in the mood of the world these days? — remember what the feeling was like when nuclear destruction was an everyday possibility. Let us learn a lesson from history, for once.”

Has John been hanging out with Tracy?

Danver Chandler (Director of Community)

Danver, our Director of Community, has been constantly connecting with diverse groups of people throughout her life. Danver spent an extended amount of time working and living abroad. She is also the co-founder of an art-education non-profit, with a special interest in unconventional art.

Previously a teacher, she struggled with the realization of the limitations within traditional education to affect change. This is why Synesis One is personal to her, as it offers the opportunity to develop technology that can make a positive shift in our world.

Danver was destined for the tech world ever since she was a child.

“As a woman it is often that the trajectory of our career paths are non-linear. And true to that, my path into crypto and NFTs just seems to have fallen onto my path. However, my inspiration for my interest in all things tech really stems from watching my dad as a child. He was an entrepreneur and an electrical engineer with all these machines around our house. My childhood was spent playing in nature and then playing with and around soldering irons, potting compound, and blueprint readers! So, here I am exploring AI and NFTs and their potential capabilities with that same fascination from my early years.”

Who We Are

We are a diverse team focused on bringing about a human-centered approach to Synesis One. We all come from different backgrounds but hold one crucial viewpoint: the potential and value of tomorrow’s technology is strongly held in the power and wisdom of the crowd!

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Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.