Introducing SynFutures’ Oyster Odyssey Points Program🚀

Published in
5 min readFeb 29, 2024

The new O_O points program is your gateway to rack up rewards on SynFutures V3!

Following the launch of V3 on the Blast mainnet, we’re excited to announce O_O, or Oyster Odyssey, an incentivized points program for SynFuturers to help grow our community while reaping yield with an unlimited liquidity boost.

Start earning points!

Why a Points Program?

Kicking off with our V3 mainnet, O_O isn’t just another program — it’s our way of jump starting the next phase of SynFutures while showcasing our new oAMM, gearing up for the epic stuff ahead. O_O is a significant step in our roadmap toward becoming the biggest perps DEX and bringing onchain derivatives to the masses.

To the OG community members who have been with us for a while, rest assured we have taken note of your long-term participation, and you’ll be rewarded accordingly. Stay tuned for more information! 👀

O_O Epoch 1 will take place over the next few months. An end time will be announced in due time.

UPDATE: Introducing the Expanded O_O Program

In our continuous effort to provide an unparalleled trading experience and to further enhance liquidity within our platform, we are excited to expand SynFutures Oyster Odyssey (O_O) Points Program. This innovative initiative aims to reward our takers, makers, and liquidity providers, acknowledging their vital role in our ecosystem.

What are the rewards for takers?

  • Blast Points: Margin deposits will continue to earn Blast Points at the same rate per TVL.
  • Blast Gold: 50% of the Blast Gold will be allocated to takers based on trading volume
  • SynFutures O_O points: 50% of SynFutures’ daily O_O points emission will be distributed to takers based on trading volume.

What are the rewards for makers?

  • Blast Points: Margin deposit and AMM LPs will continue to earn Blast Points at the same rate per TVL.
  • Blast Gold: 50% of the Blast Gold will be allocated to Liquidity Providers.
  • SynFutures O_O Points: 50% of SynFutures daily O_O Points emission will be distributed to Liquidity Providers.

When will the Blast rewards be distributed?

For Blast rewards, Blast points are distributed hourly. Blast Gold will be distributed every two weeks, subject to Blast’s distribution frequency.

How will SynFutures O_O rewards be distributed?

The first snapshot for SynFutures O_O points is set for April 9, 2024, and will capture all taker and LP activities on SynFutures V3 since launch up to this date. All takers will receive O_O points proportional to their trading volume, totaling the same amount distributed to LPs. The accumulated O_O Points will receive proportional non-transferrable tokens airdrop retrospectively. Early supporters would be entitled to extra benefits.

After the initial snapshot, the non-transferral token will be distributed at a rate of 2 million tokens per week, allocated proportionally to each user’s O_O points. The sequential program is expected to last no more than three months.

How to Get Started

Go to to get started. Connect your wallet, sign in with your X account, and Join Discord. Once you’ve completed the sign-in process, you can begin earning points!

Please note that you must register to participate in O_O.

The Oyster Odyssey Interface
The Oyster Odyssey Interface

There are a few ways to earn points:

  1. Trade designated pairs
  2. Provide liquidity to designated pools
  3. Invite friends using your unique referral link
  4. Open a mystery box
  5. Turn a spin


Designated asset pairs on V3 are eligible for points. These pairs are highlighted with signs. Once you’ve confirmed the trade, the points will be reflected in your O_O profile.

Provide Liquidity

There are two ways to provide liquidity on SynFutures: 1) Place a limit order and 2) Add LP to the AMM pools.

Placing a limit order

  • Placing limit orders in designated asset pairs will be eligible for points. These asset pairs are highlighted with “Points” signs.
  • Points start accumulation once the limit order is placed.
  • The bigger the limit order, the more points.
  • If the order remains unfilled for an extended period, it will be deemed stale and stop accumulating points even if still outstanding.
  • Orders close to market price will keep gaining points until it’s filled. There will also be a bonus for filled orders.

Adding LP to the AMM pools

  • Liquidity provisioning to designated AMM pools will be eligible for points. These pools are highlighted with “Points” signs.
  • Given the underlying risks, the accumulation rate (with boost multipliers shown on the pools) differs across different pools.
  • Bigger liquidity sizes and narrower liquidity ranges help accumulate points faster.

Inviting Friends

  • After registration, every user will have a referral link that can be used to invite friends to join the squad. The referral link can be used for unlimited times.
  • Users will gain additional points for their referred users, equal to a higher percentage of tier-1 and a lower percentage of tier-2 referred users’ points.
  • There will be limited special referral links that have a boost effect for a limited time period, and the boost will apply to all tier 1 invitees.

Opening Mystery Boxes

  • The system will reward each user with 1 mystery box upon successful registration.
  • With every friend invited, the inviter will be rewarded with a mystery box, which has a random number of embedded points.

Turning Spins

With assets locked on SynFutures, spins will be distributed by the system based on the volume and locked period of the TVL.

  • The more assets, the longer the lock, the more spins.
  • Reaching the TVL milestone with the squad will result in getting Luck and result in a higher chance of super spins.
  • Super spins yield rewards up to 10 times greater than regular spins.

How to Earn Boosts

  1. Invited by a boosted referral link, which enables a limited time period of boosted points;
  2. To invite friends and team up as a squad, the accumulated TVL (yourself and all tier 1 invitees) pass the milestone will result in a level-up boost as long as the TVL stays above the milestone.
  3. Removing liquidity below the milestone TVL will result in losing the level-up boost effect.

See the complete rules.

See the full terms and conditions.

About SynFutures

SynFutures is a leading perps DEX that creates an open and trustless derivatives market by enabling trading on anything with a price feed anytime. SynFutures democratizes the derivatives market by employing an Amazon-like business model, giving users the tools to freely trade any assets and list arbitrary futures contracts within seconds. Backed by top investors like Pantera, Polychain, Standard Crypto, Hashkey, and more, SynFutures has processed more than $23 billion in trading volume since its launch in 2021.

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